Knight's Festival Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Bets on a festival?" said Elfo. "That doesn't seem right."

"Eh," Bean shrugged as she chugged her mug of a bear. "As everyone always said, the "friendly competition" statement is a farce. It's nothing more than a dick-measuring contest you can officially compete in."

"Hey, Bean!" said a familiar voice.

Bean turned to see a woman with palish skin and pink hair tied in two buns walk over to Bean. "Oh, hey, Hilda!" She greeted as she hugged Hilda. "I didn't think you were interested in attending this sausage fest!"

Hilda chuckles. "There's no way I wouldn't pass up a bunch of bonehead knights beating each other up for our entertainment!"

"Where are your cronies?" Luci asked.

"They're selling our fresh baked potatoes at a booth!" Hilda replied as she pointed over to their booth. There, a pot full of potatoes was placed under a lit fire.



"ME FLAVORED WATER FIFTEEN CENTS! COME TASTE MY KNEEEEES! FIFTEEN CENTS!" said The Me-Flavored Water Guy. He was a wrinkly older man like King Lawerence, who was balled and had grey hair on the back of his head. He sat inside a barrel full of water, completely naked.

"Hey, you old geezer, this is our spot!" said Rupert.

"Zip it! I was here first!" said The Me-Flavored Water Guy.

"Have you ever sold a cup?!" said Tuppence.

"Looks like you guys have some tough competition this year," said Bean, giggling.

"Hey, what's going on over there?" said Elfo, pointing over to the crowd of people.

Bean and Hilda looked over at the crowd. There were not only townspeople in the group but knights as well. Bean let out a deep sigh. "Oh god. Only three people I know could get a crowd to surround them like that—the fate sisters."

"The Fate Sisters?" said Elfo, raising a brow.

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, BACK OFF THE LOT OF YOU!" said a Knight clad in Blue and white Armor. He wore his knight helm with an open window so everyone could see his face. "ENOUGH SURROUNDING THE PRINCESS!"

"Oh, no need to be so aggressive toward these fine-looking men. I mean...they have to look at something that isn't repulsive," said Princess Annable from the Skyeland's kingdom. Like her sisters, her hair was golden, wrapped in a beautiful braided ponytail, and she wore pink lipstick. Her dress was white and had pink drapes around her waist and shoulders. 

"You're so mean, Annable, but the truth hurts, so I guess you're right..." said the eldest sister, Davina. Like Annable, her hair was blond and tied in a traditional bun, and she wore the same dress as Annable. 

"Ugh...why did Father drag us out here? I could be at the castle eating grapes or something," said Lorna, the youngest of the three. She was the same height as Annable, and her long, shiny, silk hair reached her shoulders.

" about gorgeous..." said Elfo in awe. "I-I mean, they're not as gorgeous as you, Bean! Hehe..."

Annable catches the eye of Bean. "Well, well, look who we have here!" She said as she strolled over to Bean and her friends, and her two sisters followed. Her hips swayed to the left and right slightly. "Tiabeanie Mariabeanie De La Rochambeaux Grunkwitz. It's good to see you again!"

"Jeez, I see why you just want to go by Bean..." said Luci.

Bean scoffed and crossed her arms. "Hi, Annable..." she said bitterly.

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