"I told them that your name is Ida , can I be the only one to call you Adelia ?"

He then said while looking into her eyes that got teary as she replied


Elmer then wrapped his arms around her and she held into his chest tightly , just as they both did not want to let go the most , they really had to.

Since Arthur came back with the carriage , he opened the door for Ida as she stepped inside while Elmer watched her leave.

"He is back"

Asher said

Ezra helped him open the gate again.

Elmer jumped off Silas and rubbed their faces softly as he said

"Thank you for today"

Then turned towards those two as he bowed his head

"Thank you"

"A king does not bow to anyone"

Asher said

"But the ones he truly cares for I would like to add"

The prince replied

Asher smiled at Elmer's words , he was really sure the man in front of him will change Lydia for good.

"I'm so cold"

Ezra complained

"Shut up"

Asher as he hit him since he keeps complaining like a child.

And just like that their rainy day came to an end.

Edmund woke up to see a sunny morning , Betty helped him shower and change his clothes , he had some classes to attend to that day and he was mostly excited to go see Louis and Elmer right after he is done.

Hawk and Larica were on horse crossing Ospria heading to Kardia.

His injuries were not even near healed and he had to keep the pain in at least until he gets back home.

Asher and Ezra noticed many knights by the gate and could not tell why.

"What is going in here ?"

Ezra asked one of them

"I do not know , the king's orders sir"

Was his reply

And those words were worrying them very much.

Elmer was ready to leave his room , he knocked on Louis's door but no one was there and so he just had to go join the trainees.

He was surprised to see Asher and Ezra waiting for him downstairs and their expressions could not let him simply smile and greet them.

"What happened ?"

He asked

"We do not know yet but all the knights are guarding the gate and today's training was canceled"

Ezra said

"Why is that ?"

The first prince asked

"Leo's orders"

Asher replied


Elmer said

Few minutes later Ivor walked towards with some knights by his side.

"The king asks for you my prince"

He bowed his head saying

Then looked towards his old friends

"You might come as well"

Ivor tried to make them understand that he has no idea about what was happening , he was asked to find Elmer and just came to do so...

Aylin was watching from the rooftop wearing her black suit and mask , she just had to wait for the signal.

The first prince walked into the throne's room , the knights then left as Ivor took his place standing next to Leo who was sitting down there waiting.

"Elmer Elmer Elmer"

Leo called his name three times in a row

"Why do you want to make me kill you so bad ? Why don't you just obey me and live your life like the powerless prince you are ?"

He then added

Both Asher and Ezra were speechless , they did not know what was going on there but something was very wrong...

The knights opened the throne room's door once more as he stepped in , he walked past Elmer and took Leo's left side.

"Louis my son , you are late"

The king said

"My apologies father"

The second prince replied...

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