S**t Sandwich Wedding

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The limo pulls into the curb at the St Mary's Catholic Church. The bridesmaids and I climb out of the limo. Gina follows closely. The photographer takes photos of us. We walk to the entrance of the church.

Dad is standing by the doors. He kisses me. "I love you, Samantha. Thank you for showing up."

I pull away from the old man.

The girls are noticing how shitty my family really are. My parents care about making their little princess happy. I've always been the last person they cared about.

A song plays and the bridesmaids make their way down the alter to the groom and the Groomsmen.

Oh, shit! Maddox Colt is the Best Man.

I freeze halfway down the alter when my eyes clash with the Number One Football player in Los Angeles. His sea blue eyes are boring into me. He winks at me.

On foot in front of the other Sam. Take your eyes off the hot football player.

I walks the remainder of the way to the wedding party.

"Here comes the bride,
all slutty and wide,
She's taken my man,
And made him hers,
I wish she'd fall and die."

A couple bridesmaids are laughing.

I turn to them. "Did I say that out loud?"

"Yeah, you did."

I look over at Kayne and he has a scowl on his face.

Yeah, buddy. That's the way I feel about being here watching you marry my sister.

I put a smile on face as Gina makes it to the priest in one piece.

The priest blubbers on and I tune him out. I pick at my fingers and look around at all the fools that came to the church I was supposed to get married in. I look at Jesus on the cross above our heads.

I don't want to witness their kiss.

Then I hear the dreaded words. "You may kiss the bride."

I run out of the church and throw up close to the doors.

People start slowly pouring out of the Church. Peyton and Madeleine are the first of my friends to walk out of the church.

Madeleine pulls me into a hug. "I couldn't of planned what you did any better."

Peyton laughs. "Kayne and Gina are furious. Maddox Colt looks un-fucking-believably-yummy in that tux. I want to take him home with me. But, I can't."

I look at Peyton. "Why can't you take Mr Footballer home?"

Madeleine laughs. "Are you blind? He only has eyes for you."

I shake my head. "I'm not blind. No, he doesn't."

Peyton whispers. "I saw the way you acted to him when he was staring at you when you were coming down the alter. You froze. When you freeze like that, it means that your eye-fucking him. He's not the first guy to catch your attention that way either."

I smile. "I'm going to be selfish tonight and go after what I want."

Peyton laughs. "Is that Maddox Colt?"

I nod. "Yeah, one night should do it right?"

Madeleine laughs. "You can't be satisfied by one night with that guy. You'd need more."

Maddox Colt walks out the door with his cousin and my sister right behind him.

The bridesmaids and groomsmen climb into the limousine. Gina pours a glass of champagne for us. The guys all have bottles of beer. I hold a bottle of water for my sister. The girls and I take our flutes from Gina. I give her the bottle of water.

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