Getting a job

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When I wake up at nine, Maddox is gone. I find a piece of paper on the table with my name on it.

Dear Sammy,

      I didn't want to wake you this morning when I left for practise. The coach asked us all to come in at 5:30am.  You looked beautiful sleeping with your blonde hair covering the pillow and your face. I have left a shopping list for you. Can you make pizza for dinner? I love home-made pizza.



I crumble up the piece of paper and throw it in the bin.

I don't want to cook all the time. I need to get my own job.

I make a bowl of cereal and eat it.

After breakfast I walk into my bedroom and put on a pair of black pants and a white t-shirt. I put my resumes in a folder. I pick up the shopping list and walk out the front door.

I feel the sun hit my skin and it heats my arms as I walk through the street. I stop at a coffee shop.

I walk over to the counter. "Excuse me. Could I speak to your manager?"

A lady close to my age steps out of a small room. She approaches me. "Hi, I'm Michelle. The manager. Can I help you?"

"I'm Samantha Black and I would like to apply for a job."

She steps out from behind the counter. "Take a seat."

I sit across from her and put my folder on the table. I take out a resume and place it in front of her.

Michelle picks up the resume and she flips through it. "I see you've have experience in a coffee shop. Your resume is impressive. I have a question for you. Why would you like to work in this coffee shop?"

"I would like to work in the coffee shop because it has the best customer service rating in town. It can become better with having me a part of the team. The staff seem friendly."

Michelle laughs. "They aren't that friendly. I like your sense of humour. I need someone like you on my team. When can you start?"

"Tomorrow?" I cross my fingers behind my back.

Michelle nods. "Be here at seven. You will work from seven until two Monday to Friday. If you need to change shifts for the ultrasounds let me know."

I smile. "Thank you."

Michelle stands and enters her office.

I walk to the supermarket and get everything on the list to make home-made pizza I put the shopping on the conveyer belt.

The checkout girl smiles at me. "Hello, how are you?"

"I'm good, you?"

"Same, how's the weather out there?"

"It's sunny."

She scans my items and tells me the price I give her the money and walk out of the store. I start walking home and dark clouds quickly move over darkening the sky.

I'm a block away from my house when I hear thunder rumble in the distance, lightening lights up the sky.

I feel the wind whip my hair in my face. I shiver from the chill in the air.

Half a block away the sky opens up and the rain hits my cheek leaving a sting. I pick up the speed and get into the apartment building before hail hits the roof and the road.

Maddox opens the door to the apartment. He takes the shopping from me. "You should take a shower and get out of those wet clothes."

I start to shiver from the wet clothes. My hands shake as I peel the clothes from my body. I turn the shower on and step inside

After the shower I put on denim short and a long sleeve t-shirt. Maddox walks into the bedroom.

"I got a job today."

Maddox smiles. "That's great, baby. Where are you working?"

"At the coffee shop three block from here."

"What time do you start in the morning?"

"Seven till two."

I pull the blankets down the bed and crawl in. "Can you wake me at five?"

Maddox climbs into bed with me and I see him set the alarm on his mobile phone. He pulls me into his arms and falls asleep.

I listen to his snores before I fall asleep.


I am woken by kisses on my face. "Sammy," he whispers.

I keep my eyes closed.

Maddox nibbles on my ear. "I know you're awake, baby."

I turn in his arms. "Five more minutes."

Maddox pins my arms above my hands. He crushes his lips on mine.

I open my eyes in surprise. I pull away from him. "I'm awake now, Maddox."

He laughs and lets me go. "I'll help you cook the pizza." He picks me up and carries me into the kitchen.

I pull out all the ingredients I need for pizza and start preparing dinner. I put the pizza sauce on the pizza base, I put a bit of cheese on the bottom and add the capsicum, onions, mushrooms, pineapple, shredded ham and Danish salami.

I put the pizza in the oven.

Maddox turns on the music on his phone and he presses play. '100 years by Five for Fighting' comes on. He walks over to me and takes my hands and wraps it around his neck. He places his hands on my hips and we dance.

Maddox dips me and pulls me back into his arms. We dance around the kitchen until the song ends.

I pull him towards me and he kisses me. I keep my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. He slips his tongue into my mouth.

The alarm goes off and I pull away from him. I turn the oven off and pull the pizza out. I cut the pizza is eight slices and serve them on the plate.

Maddox walks to the fridge. "Coke or water?"

"Water, please."

Maddox fills up two glasses and takes them to the kitchen table. We sit at the table and eat our dinner.


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