Faking it

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March 29th 2015

My alarm goes off waking me up at nine. I swipe my finger across my iPhone 5.

This wedding is going to be a Shit Sandwich.

I open my cupboard door and find my beautifully handmade brides gown. The dress took me three years to make by hand. The dress has a shoulder strap and goes straight down. I bought the perfect white heels to go with it. Everything for my wedding to Kayne are boxed up in the spare bedroom.

I really need to get rid of everything that was for my wedding.

There's a knock on the front door.

My best friend Peyton is on the other side.

Peyton walks into the house. "Are you ready for the Shit Sandwich Wedding?"

I laugh. "Yeah, it's a dream come true." I say sarcastically. "I get to watch my ex fiancée and sister walk down the aisle on my wedding day. You know what sucks? This whole wedding was planned by me."

Peyton shakes her head. "Let's get smashed first."

"Nah, Peyton. I'm doing this sober even if it kills me."

"You're braver than me. I'd be a complete mess."

I storm into the spare bedroom and give the boxes a loathing look. "Peyton can you help me get rid of these boxes?"

She nods. "Sure, what's in them?"

"Some stuff for my wedding. I need to take them to Mum's. My bloody sister would be happy for more shit at her wedding."

Peyton and I take the boxes to my car. I stack them careful in the boot.

"What's the time Peyton?"

She looks at her wrist. "It's 11."

I'm late for hair and make-up.

My phone starts ringing. I look at the caller ID and show it to Peyton. I hit the decline button. It starts to ring again. Again I divert it. It rings again. I power down my mobile. "I have to go, Peyton. Shit's going to hit the fan when I get to my parents."

She laughs. "I'll see you at the wedding?"

I roll my eyes. "I supposed you will."

I climb into my car.


Gina storms out the front door and she yells. "Where the hell have you been?"

I shrug and step out of the car. Gina walks to the boot of the car and I pull out a box. "Take this inside you ungrateful bitch. This is more stuff for your wedding, Gina."

Gina harrumphs. She turns and takes the boxes into the house.

When I get into the house Mum is going nuts that I'm an hour and a half late. "Jesus, Mum. I'm here. I found some stuff that Gina needs for the wedding."

Gina walks into the kitchen with a necklace and a pair if matching earrings. They look superb on her. It makes me want to spew. Gina gushes. "Mum, you should check this out. It's gorgeous. Samantha's got great taste in jewellery."

Mum smiles at me and mouths. "Thank you."

I give Mum a genuine smile and not my head.

Fake it, until you make it. That's my motto for the day.

I sit at table and get my hair and make-up done. A couple minutes later, all I want to do us walk around instead of getting tortured with hair and make-up. Gina can pay for mine.

After my hair and make-up I walk into the room where my bridesmaid dress is hanging in the cupboard. I pull the dress off the coat hanger. I slip into the dress. It has some wrinkles in it. I run my hand over the wrinkles to get rid of it.

Gina opens a bottle of champagne. "Gather around, ladies. Since its tradition to have a drink before the wedding I want you all to know how thankful I am to have you all in my life and apart of my special day." She pours each of us a glass of champagne.

Madeleine looks at Gina. "Aren't you going to drink?"

Gina shakes her head. "I can't."

"Why?" She asks.

Another girl says. "Isn't it obvious. She's pregnant."

A couple girls look at me.

I zip my lips and throw away the key. I know it's selfish to do that. It's just not my place to tell everyone exactly how cruel and heartless those two are.

Madeleine reaches into her purse and pulls out my wedding invite. "Gina how could you do this to your sister?"

Some of the girls look confused. They look to me and back to Gina waiting for one of us to explain. I'm not going to tell them anything. It's none of their damn business.

Gina opens and closes her mouth like a fish.

I remain in my seat looking at Gina waiting for her to defend herself.

Madeleine says. "Well?"

Trina asks. "What's going on?"

Madeleine gives my wedding invite to Trina. The girls all peer over Trina's shoulder. The girls gasp and turn to me.

I shrug my shoulders and pretend everything is normal.

One by one the girls start leaving the house. My sister is on the verge of tears. She wraps her hand around her stomach.

I need to stop the girls from leaving.

Mum has a scowl on her face. "What did you do?"

I shake my head. "I didn't do anything, Mum. Madeleine had the my wedding invite in her purse and she wanted answers fro Gina."

Mum shakes her head. "Did she show the girls the invite?"

I nod. "Yeah. If you don't get out of my way right now your precious Gina won't have a good wedding. Are you willing to do that to your daughter?"

Mum moves out of my way. "I'm ... "

I turn to her. "Don't you fucking apologise. Your words have meant shit to me since I found my cheating ex fiancée in bed with my fucking sister. I told you I was going to be on my best behaviour, but, you're making it worst, Mum."

Mum walks away from me.

I'm happy My Dad left early. He wouldn't want to see me butting heads with Mum. Dad is always the peacekeeper.

The girls stop when I call them.

Madeleine hugs me. "I had to do that I'm pissed on you behalf."

I smile. "Thank you, Madeleine. You didn't have to do that."

She nods. "Samantha, I had to. It's not right that everything you booked and paid for are the venues they're using."

"Mr and Mrs Waterhouse are reimbursing me on everything for the wedding and they're giving me extra money to keep quiet about all the shit there son's put me through."

"Are you taking the money?"

"I got it last week." I look at the girls. "I know you are all disgusted with my sister, but, can you please come into the house?"

Madeleine sighs. "Fine, for you, I will stay."

The other girls nod and walk into the house.

I saved the day for a Shit Sandwich Wedding.


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