The Date Part II

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Maddox holds my hand as we enter the restaurant. He pulls me into his side as we stop at the booth.

A woman stands behind the small boot. She looks at Maddox and smiles. "Welcome to Frank's. Do you have a reservation?" she ignores me.

Maddox lifts my left hand and he says. "Yes, my fiancé and I have a reservation. It's under Colt as in Maddox Colt the football player."

I slap his arm. "You don't need to give her your whole story."

The woman lifts up a pen and she crosses his name off the list. She turns to us. "Follow me to your table, Mr Colt." She picks up two menus and shows us to the table.

Our table is in the far corner of the restaurant and there are candles on the table. The lights are dimmed and soft music is playing in the background.

Maddox pulls the seat out for me and I sit. He tucks me into the table and then he moves to his chair. He sit and opens the menu.

I have a quick look at the menu.

I know what I'm ordering.

I put the menu on the table.

Maddox looks at me over the top of the menu. "You already know what you're ordering?"

I nod. "I want a juicy steak that I've been craving for the last five minutes. I saw a guy with it on the way in here."

He shakes his head. "Shall I call over the waitress?"

"Yes," I lean back in my chair and watch Maddox wave a waitress over.

She stops cleaning a table and walks over to our table. She pulls out her black notepad. "What can I get you tonight?"

Maddox looks at me before answering. "Two steaks."

She writes it on the pad. "How would like them cooked?"

Maddox turns to me. "You tell her sweetheart."

The waitress turns to me and her face pales. "Medium-to-well-done." She's about to turn and I grab her hand.

She stops moving and looks at me. "Can I help you?"

I whisper. "You don't need to feel bad checking my fiancé out. I can tell you're different than most of the girls in here."

She smiles and her eyes twinkle in the lighting. "Thank you. You're the first person that has noticed that. I thought I'd go a long time being treated the same."

I laugh. "No, you're refreshing to have at a restaurant. You know who my fiancé is right?"

She nods. "I'll get the kitchen to rush your order."

"Thanks," I let go and I watch her enter the kitchen.

Maddox puts his hand on the table and I place mine in his. He rubs my hand with his thumb. "Do you want to go back to my place tonight?"

I nod. "I'd like that. I have to call Vincent later." I look around the restaurant. "Have they found the girl that hurt me?"

He shakes his head. "I'm sure Vincent will beat the Cops to finding her. I doubt she will be a problem."

Ten minutes later, the waitress walks over to us with our food she places it in front of us. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

I shake my head.

"I'll have a beer."

"I'll be right back." She walks away.


After dinner Maddox and I walk out of the restaurant. I pull my phone out of my handbag and call Vincent.

Vincent: Hello?

Me: Hey, Vincent. It's Sam. I'm going to spend the night with Maddox.

Vincent: Alright, what time is the competition tomorrow?

I hold my hand over the phone. "What time is the dance competition tomorrow?"

"The beginners start at seven. We need to be there by 5.45."

I put the phone to my ear. Me: Maddox and I dance at seven.

Vincent: Perfect, I'm going to take Peyton on a date before the dance.

Me: Is Peyton there?

Vincent yells. "Peyton."

I hear the rustling of the phone. Peyton: Hey, Sam.

Me: Guess what?

Peyton: What?

Me: Maddox proposed.

She screams and I have to pull the phone away from my ear.

Maddox looks over at me. "Did she just scream?"

"Yeah, she nearly burst my eardrum."

Maddox laughs.

I hit the loud speaker on my iPhone 5. Me: Are you done screaming yet?

Peyton: Yes, I can't believe you're engaged. I have something to tell you.

Me: You're pregnant?

Peyton: Yes, I went to the drug store and brought a couple of tests after you left. Vincent's looking forward to being a father. But, he's going to put me on lock down. I might not be able to come to New York for a while.

Me: You will have to come here for the baby.

Peyton: I will. I'll just have to beg Vincent to come as well. I just hope it won't fall around the time he needs to go out of the country.

Me: When is he going?

Peyton: I'm not sure. He doesn't tell me anything.

Maddox opens the car door for me and I climb in. He closes the door for me and rounds the car. He climbs in and pulls out of the parking lot.

Me: I have to go, Peyton.

Peyton: See you tomorrow.

I put the phone away.

Maddox has his hand resting on the leather armrest.

I entwine our fingers and watch him as he drives.

Maddox lifts our hands and places a kiss on mine. "I'm glad you decided to come home with me. The house feels empty without you. I also brought some stuff for the baby's room. Do you want to see it when we get home?"

I nod. "Yes, I do. When we find out the gender of the baby I want to paint the room that colour."

Maddox shakes his head. "Please, not pink."

I laugh. "You don't have to worry about our baby girl having a pink room. I was thinking of purple for the girl's room."

"Good, I can live with a purple room."


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What do you think Maddox brought for the baby's room?

Next u/d later on today as its after midnight in Aus :-)

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