Why do you hate me?

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Last night Michael spent the night on the chair next to my bed. He looks over at me. "Do you really know Vincent Diablo?"

I nod. "Check my phone. There's photos of me with him and my best friend."

"Shit!" He rises and starts pacing the room. "I can't have Vincent come after me. I've seen what he does to people that hurt his family." Michael stops pacing. He moves towards me. "I can't let you go, Samantha."

Michael loosens the cuffs on my hands and feet.

I whisper. "Thank you."

He nods.

The door to the basement opens and my sister walks in.

Michael steps away from me. He moves to the other side of the room.

Gina makes her way over to me and she looks at my stomach. "That baby will be mine in half an hour. The doctor is on his way."

I glare at my sister. "Listen here, bitch. My child will never be yours."

Gina slaps me across the face. "No, you listen here, sister. That baby will be MINE! I'm going to disappear with my BABY and you'll never find us."

I smirk. "You will have to kill me before this child will be yours."

Gina shows me the knife. "I thought you would say that." she walks towards the bed and places the knife against my wrist. "All I have to do is cut deep enough on the artery and you'll bleed to death."

"Why do you hate me?" I whisper

She laughs. It's high pitched and not the usual one I hear from the sister I've always protected. "Growing up all the parents ever wanted was for me to be more like you. Everyday they would tell me they were disappointed. One day I came home from a party wasted and Dad slapped me across the face. You know what he said?"

I shake my head.

"That I need to be more respectful to them. That I need to grow up and stop causing them problems. I didn't listen to them. I used drugs and slept with any I could." She smirks. "The best fuck I've ever had was with Kayne."

she laughs. "One night I snuck into your room and I took a photo from the mirror. The next day I made an appointment at the hairdressers. I got them to do my hair like yours. That night I stole your phone and sent Kayne a message."

No! I can't believe she did this.

I close my eyes. "Don't,"

She shakes her head. "The next night we went on a date. He didn't know I was pretending to be you. He took me to the hotel and I lost my virginity to him."

I have tears falling from my eyes.

The night I lost my Virginity to James he said. "I already took your virginity. How can there still be a barrier between us."

What is he talking about?

It was painful as he broke the barrier and he fucked me hard.

When I look back on the night I feel disgusted.

Now, I know why he said those things to me.

I frown. "Why did you pretend to be me?"

Gina smiles. She flips the knife in the air and catches it. "I wanted to ruin the Princess's reputation. That didn't work. You're like a little cockroach you survive every fucking thing." She thrusts the knife into the metal table.

The woman that I saw yesterday walks into the room. "ENOUGH," she yells. "If you keep this up Mrs Waterhouse I'll have to ask you to leave."

Gina looks at her. "Aw, but, I was having fun with my sister."

Celeste enters the room. "Looks like there's a party in here. Meg, the doctor's here."

Now, I know the woman's name.

Meg walks over to Celeste and slaps her across the face. "Now, I have to kill the girl. It's all your fault an innocent life will be taken."

Celeste laughs. "Good, she's the one standing in my way to Maddox. With the baby and her gone life will get back to normal."

I look at Michael and he shakes his head. "Don't do anything yet." he mouths.

Meg's shoes clank against the stairs as she heads to the door.

It doesn't take long until Meg returns with a Doctor. He has a case in his hands. He looks at me. "So, this is our patient?"

No, I can't believe this is about to happen!

I close my eyes hoping the doctor isn't really here.

Gina slaps my face. "I need you to be present as the doctor cuts into you and takes the baby. I want you to see all the blood. I want you to see me cut the umbilical cord as he or she is out of you and in my arms. You won't get to hold your child or name it." she kisses my cheek. "I love you Big Sister."

Michael is standing in the corner. He points the door and shows me five fingers.

Five minutes and then we are going to get the hell out of here.

I feel my baby kick and I let out a sob.

I can't feel my baby as he or she kicks me.

Tears stream down my face.

Gina touches my stomach and smirks. "Looks like this baby wants to have some fun with Aunty Gina." she rubs my belly and whispers. "Mummy's here, baby. You'll soon be in arms. I'm looking forward to meeting you, bub."

The doctor walks over to me and he puts some stuff into a syringe. He stops in front of me and taps the needle.

He looks at Meg. "Do you really want to do this, Meg? You can back-out if you want."

Meg shakes her head. "I made a deal with this woman. I can't back away from that much money."

I look at Gina and her face turns red. "What's the fucking hold up? I need to get out of here."

The doctor looks at me and mouths. "I'm sorry." He plunges the needle into my arm.


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