Dinner Party

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The door's open to Finn's place and Maddox and I enter the foyer. The foyer is wide and people are dancing. To the left are a set of double stairs that lead to the second floor. A chandelier is hanging in the entry hall.

I hear the base of some song playing through the sound system.

Maddox holds my hand and we walk through the room that is packed with bodies. He tucks me into his side. "Do you want to dance mi lady?" he puts on an accent.

I curtsy. "Yes, kind sir." I take his hand and he leads me to the dance floor. Maddox and I find a spot in the middle. He put his hand on my waist and I wraps my hands around his neck.

Maddox and I start swaying to the music. When the dance floor starts to get crowded Maddox takes my hand. "I don't want you to get hurt from this crowd.

I push through the crowd and someone elbows me in the face and it hurts like a mother... My hand flies up to my face.

Maddox hits the guy and he falls to the ground. "I need to get you some ice for your face. You'll wake up in the morning with a bruise."

In the kitchen Finn is serving shots to his friends.

I thought this was supposed to be a dinner party.

I tap Maddox on the shoulder. "I thought you said this was a dinner party?"

He nods. "It is. Servers are going to bring around finger foods."

I see a girl walks around with a tray in her hand. She walks in our direction and I take a cracker and put it in my mouth.

"If you told me we were going to come to a party like this I would have stayed home." I see the camera crew walking around filming this conversation.

Great now I'm going to seem like a whiner on TV. Four episodes left, Samantha.

I look around the room trying to ignore the crew walking around and filming everything. It starts to feel hot in the house.

Maddox opens the freezer and pulls out an ice pack. "Put this on."

I put the pack on my face. It's cold. There's some paper towels on the table and I pulls some off and wrap the pack in it. I place it back on my face.

I look around the packed room and notice a group of woman missing while the guys are in the kitchen.

Where are the Wives and Girlfriends?

Finn looks up from pouring the drinks "Hey, Maddox. I'm glad you're here." He takes me hand kisses it. "Hey, Sam." He slurs.

I smile. "Hey, Finn. Can I have a glass of water?"

"Sure," I turn away from the counter and look around the place. Everyone looks the same with their masks. "Here you go."

I pick up the glass and take a drink. I spit the contents across the table when I taste the vodka.

Drunken fool.

I pick up a soda cup and fill it up with a cup of water. I squeeze through the crowd and exit the house.

I walk down the stairs and find a quiet place to sit.

I don't belong here.

A group of the girlfriends exit the house and they walk around the backyard. They approach me.

I take off the mask. "Can I help you?"

The leader (Alecia) of the Girlfriends laughs. "No, but, we are here to help you." She flutters her eyelashes at me.

What's she up to?

Alecia says. "There's a girl all over your guy upstairs in the kitchen. I'm pretty sure he thinks it's you he's making out with."

I hope this bitch is lying.

I walk toward the house as I get closer to the house I hear a guy yell on the balcony. A fight breaks out and the guy shoves another. The guy that gets shoved crashes into the balcony and the bar from the balcony breaks. I watch in horror as a couple guy fall onto the concrete.

I can see blood around a couple of guys.

People are screaming and running away from the injured.

I need to help them.

My legs don't move from my spot. I rub my eyes hoping I was just seeing things. I look again and the guys are still on the ground.

A group of people run toward me and I'm pushed to the ground. I protect my stomach and head as the run past me.

I hear someone yell. "Samantha,"

I'm here.

The voice is frantic this time when they yell. "Sam,"

"Here," I croak.

I try to raise my hand and someone stands on it, leaving pain shooting up my arm.

I hear cars speed away from the party. I feel someone's hands on my back and I'm lifted into strong arms. "I've got you, Sam." Maddox whispers.

"You need to help them." I point to the guys on the ground.

Maddox shakes his head. "I need to look after you. What did you see?"

The scene plays in my head as I tell Maddox what happened. I even included the part with the Girlfriends.

Maddox pulls me closer to him. He kisses the top of my head. "I think they planned the bar falling from the balcony and it hurting you."

Finn exits the house and attends to the wounded guys. I watch him make them comfortable and attend to their wounds. Finn turns to Maddox. "Is everything alright?"

The girlfriends and wives exit the house. Maddox rises and moves towards Alecia. "Did you do this?"

The film crew front Wives and Girlfriend of Football Players exit the house and they record what's about to be said.

I really hate that I signed the form to be on this show now.

Alecia shakes her head. "What would I gain from hurting your girlfriend? I'll tell you, nothing. But, Celeste she will gain everything she needs. Her son needs his father and you're the father."

No, no, no. this has to be a dream.

Maddox looks at me and then back to Alecia. "Where is she?"

Alecia laughs. "She's around. I hope you're ready for her. She will be coming for you Maddox settle for second best when he can have his first true love?"

I rise and make my way out of the yard. I walk out of the gate and continue down the road. I don't know how long I walk until Maddox's car pulls over.

Maddox steps out of the car and walks over to me. He touches my arm. "I'm taking you home. Tomorrow we'll talk about Celeste."

I shake him off me and continue to walk down the street.

Maddox runs after me. "Damn, it, Sam. Get in the car."

I continue to walk. This time he picks me up and carries me to the car. He places me in the front seat and buckles my seatbelt for me. He shuts the door and runs to the driver's seat.

I look out the window and cross my arms.

"Sam?" he whispers. "Are you going to talk to me? I swear I didn't know Celeste had my child. Alecia is wrong, I'm not going to dump you. You are an important part of my life and our child is who I need. I won't claim Celeste's child until I get a DNA test. That woman slept with many guys before she left."

I close my eyes and let everything he said run through my head.


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