I'm pregnant

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Pic by @annoying- Brittany Snow as Samantha Black

It's Saturday in Australia so here is another chapter of Heartbreak. I hope you enjoy it. ;-)


Four months later

It's been four months since I've seen Maddox Colt. I found out I was pregnant thirteen weeks ago and I've been asking Gina, Kayne, Mrs and Mr Waterhouse for Maddox's mobile number so I can call him.

They refuse to give his number.

Today I've had enough trying to contact him by phone. I'm heading to MetLife stadium and I'm going to camp out front until I see Maddox.

I pack a picnic rug, food and drinks. I lock the door to the hotel suite. I wait for the lift to stop on my floor. The door opens and I step inside.

There's a group of people with football jerseys on. I see one with Maddox's number and name on the back of it.

I tap the guy on the shoulder.

He turns to me and raises his eyebrows.

"I like your shirt. How much for it?"

He laughs. "You want to buy my jersey?"

I nod.

He continues laughing. "It's not for sale sweetheart. Just like I can't have my way with you, hot stuff." He points at my stomach. "Where's the baby, Daddy?"

I frown. "Hard to get gold of when he's a football player." The door to the lift opens and I run out of it.

On the street I wave a cab down and step inside.

The driver turns to me. "Where to, Miss?"

"MetLife stadium."

"You're going to the stadium like that?" He shakes his head. "Where's your team spirit?"

"I've got plenty of team spirit. It's hard to fit in your old clothes when your pregnant." I play with my fingers.

He continues to drive threw the streets, stopping at traffic lights. He parks in front of the stadium.

I give him the money. "Keep the change." I step out of the car and walk  to the front of the stadium.

I throw the rug in the ground and wait for the football players to come along.

I sit on the hard ground and lean against the brick wall. I have a book in one hand and a sandwich in the other. I take a bite of the sandwich.

"OMG! Maddox Colt is here!" A boy screams.

I put the sandwich in the bag. I put the rug under my arm and make my way to the crowd. "Maddox!" I yell.

Kids and adults shove t-shirts and posters in his face. They take photos of him.

Maddox smiles at the kids and signs things.

The security guard whispers. "We need to get inside."

Maddox looks at the crowd. "I need to go. I'll see you all later."

I push through the crowd. "Maddox!" I yell.

He turns to me. His face turns red. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He yells.

I wanted to see you. I rub my stomach.

He shakes his head. "Get the fuck out of here." He pushes me.

I lose my balance and land hard on my butt. Tears stream down my face. "This is your baby."

He stands over me. "It's not mine. Gina and Kayne told me you were sleeping around after I left. That baby won't be mine."

"Your cousin and my sister are ruining my life. My parents disowned me for being pregnant. My sister hates me for no reason. Your cousin is helping make my life a mess and you were supposed to be the one I could turn to." I stand up. "Forget it Maddox. I don't need your help." I look him in the eyes. "As far as your concerned I'm dead and so is your child. Don't look for me." I pick up bag and walk away.

I don't look around at the people there for the game. I climb into a taxi and get the driver to drive me to the closest hospital.

At the hospital I step out of the cab and sign into the hospital. I sit in one of the chairs and wait for my name to be called.

I tell the doctor what happens. She looks over my injuries and tells me there's a bruise and then I have to get an ultrasound done to check the back.

The bed has a white mat on it and it crinkles as I sit on it. I lift my t-shirt up for the doctor.

She put the get on the wand and runs the wand on my growing belly. She moves it around and I touch the screen where my baby is. "Your baby is healthy."

I smile. "It's growing."

The doctor nod. "In a couple of week you'll be able to find out the sex of your baby. I'll get you the picture and then you can go home." She gives me the picture.

I out it in my bag. "Thank you," I hop off the bed.

I walk out of the hospital and walk the couple of blocks to the hotel room. I pack my things and give the key to the receptionist.

I catch a taxi to the airport. I climb out and walk to the counter I buy a ticket to Los Angeles.

I sit at the airport and wait for the plane to take me home.

A guy with a bold head and beer belly sits next to me on the plane. He t-shirt slips up his gut and he scratches his hairy stomach. He lift his butt cheek off the seat and farts. It's a loud one and it makes me want to throw up.

The lady on the otherwise blocks her nose.

The guy sitting behind me says. "Fuck, that stinks."

The air conditioner on the plane makes the smell worst.

I think I'm going to be sick.

I stand. "Excuse me," I move toward the aisle.

The flight attendant stops me. "Miss you need to get back in your seat."

I puke on her shoes and the ground.

The guy that was sitting behind me stands and applauds. "I would like to thank this fat guy for making a pregnant woman puke with his gas." His mates high-five him.

I cover my face with my hands. "Can I use the restroom now?"

She nods.

I walk into the restroom and rinse my mouth out with mouthwash I packed in my bag.

When I step out of the bathroom the floor is cleaned.

The guy steps out of his seat. "Do you want to sit with my mates? I don't want to see you throw up again." He takes my seat and passes me my belonging. I do the same for him.

"I'm Sven Porter."

I shake his hand. "Samantha Black."

I put the earphones on my ears and start the movie.

I feel the plane moving down the runway. I'm pushed back into the seat as the plane leaves the runway. I grip the arm rest.

The guy sitting next to me puts his hand on top of mine. "It's alright. The plane will even out soon. Just relax."

I nod.

The plane evens out and he lets go of my hand. "I'm Nick James." He kisses my hand.

"Samantha Black."


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Next post will be Monday.

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