The Dress

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^ Sam's dress


Maddox places me on the bed and he leans on his arms above me. He unbuttons my jeans and I lift my hips off the bed. He removes my boy shorts and jeans throwing them across the room.

He lifts my shirt over my head and unclips my black bra. He throws it on the ground. He pins my hands up above my head. He reaches over for the cuffs.

No! I don't want to be cuffed.

I shake my head. "No, no, no, please don't." I feel tears fall down my face.

Maddox throws the cuffs out the bedroom door and his eyes soften. "What happened?"

I sigh. "When I was with your one night we went to a party and had one too many drinks. He cuffed me to the bedpost. I told him no, but, he didn't listen."

Maddox moves off the bed and opens the closet door. He pulls out a t-shirt and grabs a pair of boy shorts for me. He gives them to me.

I take them from him and enter the bathroom. I put on the black Rolling Stone t-shirt. The top stops above my knees.

I enter the bedroom and find Maddox in bed. I hear a snore come from him and I pull the blankets aside. I crawl into bed and fall asleep.


In the morning I wake in strong arms. I turn to Maddox and he's still asleep.

I need to pee.

I remove his arms from around me. I move off the bed.

"Where are you going?" He mumbles.

"To the bathroom."

"Come back to bed I want to hold you."

I look at the alarm and it's nearly time for him to get up. "I can't."

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

He slams his hand on the alarm.

I enter the bathroom and do my business. I wash my hands and exit the bathroom. I watch him change into a pair of denim shorts and t-shirt. "Can you stay for breakfast?"

He looks at the clock. "I can stay for ten minutes."

I run into the kitchen and turn the kettle on. I put bacon and eggs into the frying pan and put two slices of toast in the toaster.

Maddox walks to the kitchen counter and sits on the bar stool.

I place the coffee on the table.

He grips the cup and drinks from it. He spits out the contents on the table.

I frown. "What's wrong?"

"How much coffee did you use?"

I lean against the counter. "A soup spoon."

He shakes his head. "Next time you make me a coffee use a teaspoon."

The toast pops and I put the bacon and eggs on the toast and serve him breakfast. I make mine and join him at the table.

Maddox kisses the top of my head. "That breakfast was great. Can you cook something for us for dinner tonight? We could dim the lights and have our own romantic night?"

I smile. "Sounds good."

I pull him to me and kiss him.

Maddox pulls away. "I have to go. Coach will be pissed if I'm late." He walks out the door.

I pick up my phone and call Peyton.

Peyton: hello, this is Peyton.

Me: Hey, bestie. Are you busy today?

Peyton: No, I'm alone at the house. Do you want to come over?

Me: I was wondering if you want to go shopping?

She screams.

I pull the phone away from my ears.

Peyton: Yes, what do you need from the shops?

Me: I need to find a dress for my date tonight. Maddox wants me to cook dinner tonight and give the house a romantic feel.

She laughs. Peyton: I'll give Vincent's cook a call. I bet she'd love to cook for someone other than me.

Me: Alright,

Peyton: I'll be at yours in half hour.

I walk into the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth.

Half an hour flies by.

I slip my feet into my shoes.

There's a knock at the door and I make my way. I open it to find the cook and Peyton.

The cook hugs me. "Thank you for getting me out of cooking for her."

I laugh. "You're welcome."

I watch the cook take the grocery bag to the kitchen and sets it down on the counter.she pulls out a chopping board and carving knives.

Peyton looks over at her. "Let's get out of here before she skin me alive."

I laugh. "You're over exaggerating my best friend. You need to stop being a fussy eater. The cook would like you better."

She sighs. "I didn't think I was that bad."

"You are. Every time I invited you over for dinner all you ate were the veggies. The rest was untouched." I pick up my handbag. "Are you ready to go?"

She nods.

Peyton and I leave the condo.

When I get downstairs I see a limo.

Peyton turns to me. "Do you like our new ride?"

"It's perfect. Why do you have it?"

"Vincent has meetings all day at the office and when I told him I was shopping with you. He insisted that I take his car." Peyton climbs into the limo.

I climb in and there's three bodyguards in the car. They're wearing ear pieces, black suits and black suits.

Why does she need so many?

Peyton turns to me. "Vincent has lots of enemies and since we've been photographed together lots there's s possibility that someone is after me."

"I know how it is. Maddox and I are getting photographed more too. Maddox is hiring bodyguards for me as he's concerned about the safety of his unborn child and I."

The car comes to a stop at the shopping centre. Peyton and I climb out and we make our way into the shopping centre.

The first shop we come across we enter. I look through the racks and find a dress. I show Peyton the dress. "I'm going to try this on."

I walk into the change rooms. I take of my shoes, jeans and t-shirt. I slip the black one shouldered dress over my head. The dress hugs my belly perfectly showing off the bump.

I smile.

I exit the change rooms and yell. "Peyton,"

She has a grin on her face. "That's the dress you need to wear for dinner tonight."


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