Something doesn't feel right

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Maddox POV

I pull into the driveway of my apartment building. I park my car close to the door and step out. I press the alarm on my car and enter the building.

I climb three sets of stairs to my apartment. When I reach my level I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I round the corner and see a pair of keys on the ground and the door to my place is ajar.


I run to the door and push it open. I walk through the house and I don't see her.

She's been taken. My conscious shouts.

I pull out my phone and call the police.

They tell me they can't do anything unless she's been missing for 48 hours. I told them she was pregnant and they said they will send someone over.

Why does all this shit have to happen to Samantha? I can't even protect the woman I love.

I sit on the lounge and look at my phone.

I sigh.

I need to call Vincent. He might kill me for this.

I hit the call button.

Vincent: This is Vincent.

Me: Hey, it's Maddox. I don't know how to tell you this.

Vincent: Just spit it out. I don't have all day.

Me: Sam's missing. I think her sister took her.

Vincent: I need all the details you can give me and I'll send some of my best men to New York. Did you call the cops?

Me: Yes,

Vincent: Shit! I'll have to work around them. Some of my men are on their way to you now. Call me when they arrive.

Me: Okay.

I put the phone on the table and walk around the living. Everything looks the same. I enter the bedroom and the cupboards and draws are open. All her clothes are gone and on the draw is a note and the engagement ring.

I open the letter.

Dear Maddox

       I can't be with you anymore. My sister has lost everything and I need to help her get through the pain. Someday I hope you can forgive me for running away from you and taking our unborn child with me.



Ps Don't look for me.

Sam wouldn't do that to me.

We had a perfect night on Friday. Then the phone call ruined our entire weekend and Sam never mentioned once that she wanted to see her sister.

I put the piece paper inside a bag.

I hope I can get evidence from this.

The police walk into the house and they look around. When they see all her stuff is gone. They come to conclusion that she left me.

That's not what happened.

Vincent's men arrive a couple of hours later and I give them the note. Vincent's head secretary looks at the note. "This isn't Sam's writing. She left stuff all over the place in Vincent's. I hope you didn't believe the letter?"

I shake my head. "Sam, wouldn't leave without talking to me. Someone took her ring from her and left it behind for me."

He moves towards the window. "Do you know who hates Sam?"

I move toward the window and look into the alleyway. "The only person I can think of is her sister Gina. She might be a bit unstable since she lost her baby to SIDs on Friday."

The touches my back. "I'm sorry. It must be tough for Sam and you."

I shrug. "I feel sad for my cousin losing his child so sudden. What I don't get is why Gina needs her sister?"

"It's not that she needs her sister. It's what her sister has that she wants."

Gina wants our baby.

I move toward the bed and sit.

Why didn't I see this coming earlier? My fiancé and child are in danger.

I have tears falling down my face.

I can't live without my family.

My phone sits on the bed and I dial my cousin's number.

Kayne: Hello?

Me: Have you heard from Gina?

Kayne: Yes, she told me she was visiting Sam and you. How is she?

Me: Gina's not here and Sam's missing. If anything happens to my fiancé and child I will hold you responsible for it.

I throw the phone across the room and it smashes against the wall. I exit my room and pick up my car keys.

I climb into my car and speed out of the driveway. I don't know where I am going until I pull in front of the house that I brought for Samantha and I.

I step out of the car and walk up to the veranda. I take a seat on the steps and look at the house.

I see a familiar car and it pulls over at the side of the road.

Finn steps out of the car and he walks over to me. He sits next me. "Hey, Man. What's going on?"

I rest my head against the railing.

Where would one take a person?

I stand up. "Can you help me search the house?"

Finn frowns. "What's going on?"

"Samantha was taken from me and I'm searching abandoned houses for my fiancé. I hope I can find her soon."

Finn and I look around the side of the house. I break a window and climb through it. I search the house and I don't find her inside.

Finn stands next to me. "Do you want me to get the guys together and they can help us search for her?"

I put my hand on his shoulder. "No, man. I have to do this. I won't be alone. Some of Vincent's men are here to help me search for."

On the way to the car I send Vincent a message.

Me: Can you get the listing or abandoned places?

Vincent: Sure, I'll send you the list.

I climb into the car and drive to the abandoned places I saw on the way to my new house. All three house I come up empty handed.

Maybe she's not in this part of New York. She could have her Sam out of the City.


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