Where the hell am I?

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I look around at the strange room that I'm in. I remember clearly that I fell asleep in the woman's toilet.

Where the hell am I?

The walls are painted a creamy colour. The blinds are pulled across blocking out the sun, the bed huge it could fit three people on it, a book shelf in the corner of the room.

I hear a door open in the room and light pours into the room.

"Aaaaagh!" I scream.

The guy runs towards me and pulls me into strong tanned arms. "What's wrong, Sam?"

"Where the hell am I, Vinny?"

He pulls away from me. "You're in my house sweetheart. I couldn't stand the thought of you spending another night in a filthy toilet. You're pregnant and need a proper bed, housing and food in that stomach of yours. How could you be so careless with your life and your child's."

I roll my eyes. "Why do you care so much?"

Vincent runs his hand through his sandy blonde locks. He shrugs. "I just do." He mumbles and turns his back to me.

I move off the bed and touch his shoulder. My friends are coming from Los Angeles to see me tonight.

Vincent turns to me. "They can stay here too."

I shake my head. "Vincent, you don't know anything about my friends and I and you're inviting us strangers into your house."

He hands me a piece of paper and pen. "Write your friends names on this and I'll run a clearance check on them."

My mouth drops open.

I open and close my mouth a couple of times. "Did you run a check on me?"

He nods. "I know about your family disowning you. Your sister marrying your fiancé and falling pregnant. I even know who the father is of the baby you're carrying."

"Fine," I write my friends names on the piece of paper and give it to him.

Vincent takes it from me. "I called your boss earlier you have the day off. I'll get the cook to make you something."

"No, bacon and eggs, please."

Vincent shuts the door.

I pull on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I walk into the kitchen and a woman looks over at me. "You must be the new houseguest Samantha Black. The boss told me wonderful things about you."

I smile. "What are you making?"

"She pours something into the frying."

"Pancakes, I hope you don't mind."

I shake my head. "I love pancakes. Do you have Strawberry Jam?"

The woman goes to the fridge and she pulls out the jam. She sets it on the table in front of me.

My phone starts to ring and I look at the caller ID 'Madeleine' flashes across the screen.

I hit the answer button. "Hey, Maddie. Are you in Santa Cruz?"

"Yes, where are you?"

"I'm at a friend's place. I'm about to have breakfast. Find a place by the beach ad stay there. I'll give you a call when I leave."

"Is this friend a guy?"

"Yeah, he's letting me stay at his."

"What happened to your place?"

"Um, I got kicked out. The old fart didn't like that I couldn't pay the rent."

"Sam, why didn't you tell us? We would've helped you out."

Heartbreak (completed) ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora