When will she wake up?

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Maddox POV

I've been in this hospital room for two days and she still hasn't woken up.

The doctors keep telling me she'll wake up when she's ready.

All I want to do to is look in her beautiful blue eyes. That reminds me of the ocean.

I want to tell her I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I want to raise our child together.

I feel the box digging into my butt and I pull it out. I spin the box in my hand.

I hold her hand and lie my head on the bed.

Her face is pale and she still looks beautiful to me.

I move my fingers over her hand. "Samantha, you need to wake up." Tears run down my face and they fall onto the bed. "Last night I was going to ask you an important question. Then you were attacked by my crazy ex girlfriend. This is all my fault that you're in this bed. It should be me lying there."

"Yeah, it should be." An angry brown haired walks into the room and she slaps me across the face. "I trusted you with my Best Friend. Look at her now."

I look at the ground. "It wasn't supposed to go that way. I was going to prop..."

I'm cut off by the girl. "Don't say it." She says, angrily. "She can hear you. I heard people in comas can hear and she doesn't need to know what you were going to do. I hope you wait a little while until you try again."

I nod. "I will. What's your name?"

She shakes her head. "You are terrible with names. I'm Peyton. There's a whole heap of guys and girls out there. You should tell them what's going on."

Peyton pushes me toward the door. She walks over to the bed.

I walk out of the room and head towards the waiting room.

Liz walks over to me when I exit the door. "Who was that brown headed girl. She looked pissed."

"She was. She even slapped me. That was Peyton. She's Sam's Best Friend."

Vincent walks into the waiting room and he takes a seat. "How is she?"

"She's in a coma. Her brain needs to heal from the trauma."

Vincent nods. "I heard that the girl who did that to Sam is on the run. Is that true?"

I shrug. "Probably."

Vincent leans back in his chair and smirks. "She won't come home alive."

"She's got a child. Don't do anything in front of an innocent child."

He nods his head. "I'll let my men know."

The film crew walk into the room and they point a camera in my face.

Vincent rises from his seat and moves quickly to the film crew. "I'm going to ask you nicely to stop recording. If you don't I'll shove that camera up your..."

"Vincent, I'll get rid of them."

He walks down the hall and out the door.

The camera crew smile. "Was that the Mafia Boss Vincent?"

How the hell do they know that?

Adam the camera man laughs. "Do you really know who he is?"

I shake my head.

"They call him Hunter. He likes to hunt his prey down and slaughter them."

"What are you doing here?"

"We thought filming a hospital scene would be great for our ratings. This is Day 3 with us in your life. Then you'll have two more episodes to film and then you'll be free to do whatever you like."

I need to call Sam's boss.

I call her boss and explain what happened and she told me to call her when she wakes up.

The film crew eventually leave us alone. I turn to my friends. "All of your should go home and to practice. I'll call you if anything changes. The coach will kick all of our arses for not going in today."

Finn nods. "You're right. The coach is going to fine us for being late and he might make us stay longer at practice. But, it was worth it to stay with you."

The wives, girlfriends and my teammates leave the hospital.

I walk Sam's room and see the film crew recording her while she's asleep.

Haven't they heard of privacy.

A doctor walks into the room. "All of you need to get out of my patients room. Before I call security.

Too late.

Two buff guys block the door. "We're here to escort you out."

The camera crew leave the room and are escorted out of the room.

Peyton turns to me. "Did you really sign a contract to be on a show with Samantha?"

I nod. "We signed a contract for five episode."

Peyton is out of her seat quickly and she slaps me again. "Sam's not that strong of a person. The paparazzi are going to rip into her."

Vincent walks into the room and Peyton walks straight into his arms. "Thank you for getting those guys out of the room."

Vincent kisses the top of her head.

I head towards the bed and sit in the chair.

Peyton looks at me. "We're going to the hotel. Can you call me with an update if anything happens over night?"

I nod. "See you tomorrow?"

I hear the door open.

"Yes, you will. Take care my best friend. Bye." Peyton closes the door and I'm left in the room with my girlfriend.

A nurse walks into the room and she looks over the charts and does some tests to Sam before walking out the door.

I look around the room and see that someone has brought flowers and balloons to light up the room.

Sam's got some good friends there.

I lie my head on the bed and watch Sam's chest rise and fall. Before I know it I'm out like a light.


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Sorry for the short chapter.

Heartbreak (completed) ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant