Reuniting with family

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I walk into Dad's hospital room and his face is pale. He looks at me when I enter the room. He tries to smile. "Hey, sweetheart."

"Daddy," I run over to him and give him a hug.

I feel like a little girl with my Dad.

I have tears rolling down my face.

Dad wipes away the tears. "You don't need to cry. I'm fine."

I shake my head. "It's not fine. I could have lost you. Do you know how I'd feel if I never got to say goodbye to you?"

He shakes his head. "I'm sorry. Everything that happened to you wit Gina is your Mother's fault. She always wanted Gina to be like you. When you got engaged I could see the jealousy in her eyes. I saw her cutting holes into a packet of condom's. I didn't think anything of it."

I laugh. "She got him to use the broken condoms. Gina had this all planned out from the beginning. She even had planned Maddox and I hooking up. She knew I would become pregnant with Maddox's baby. She wanted to take my baby from me the moment she knew I was with Maddox. She enjoyed my misery and pain that happened since I found her with Kayne." I hit the table with my fist. "I hate her." I yell.

I move over to the wall and I punch it over and over, while yelling. "I hate her." Every time I punched the wall I imagined it was her face.

Maddox runs into the room and pulls me away from the wall. He takes my hands and looks at them. "What's going on, Sam?"

My pinkie is at an odd angle. I don't feel the pain from it.

I think it's the adrenaline.

This is where I break down of all places. In a hospital room with my father after he had a heart attack.

I have tears running down my face.

Maddox hugs me and sways us.

Mum walks into the room. She looks at me. "Samantha?"

I look at her and shake my head.

Maddox looks at Mum. "Can you get a Doctor?"

Mum exits the room.

Thanks Maddox for getting rid of that woman.

I pull away from Maddox and sit.

Dad sits up in the bed. "Did that feel good?"

I nod. "I think I've needed to get my anger out since Gina's wedding."

A doctor enters the room with mum and he looks at me. "What happened?"

"I hit a wall and I think I broke my pinkie."

He walks over to me and looks at. "I'm going to have to set your finger and then put a bandage around it. I need to you to the ER."

I follow the doctor and he points to a bed. I jump onto the bed.

He sets my finger.

I scream in pain from him breaking it into place.

He pulls out a bandage and wraps my finger. "I suggest you resist punching anything else if you don't want any more broken bones."

"Thanks, Doc."

I jump off the bed and walk back into Dad's room.

Dad looks at me. "How's the finger?"

"I'm in pain from him breaking it again. I'm not happy that I can't take anything for the pain. While I'm carrying my daughter." I sit next Dad. "I want you to walk me down the aisle."

Dad smiles. "I would love nothing more than to walk my daughter down the aisle. I just wish that my daughters were together."

I hold Dad's hand. "I'm not the one that caused all this." I look at Mum. "I think it was her fault. She wanted Gina to be like me. Gina and I have always been different and she just resented being told to be more like me. Maybe, in Gina's head stealing everything from me was her way to make it up to Mum for not being more like me."

Dad pulls the bed up and hugs me. "I should have noticed that my youngest daughter was sick. If I did all this wouldn't have happened to Gina and you."

"Don't blame yourself, Dad."

Mum glares at us. "I can't believe you two are blaming me for all this shit! I just wanted Gina to stop sleeping around with all the guys. She needed a role mode and you were the perfect one."

I can't believe this.

I grab Maddox's hand and we exit the room.

Maddox turns to Dad at the last minute. "We'll be back, Sir."


Mum and start screaming at each other.

Maddox lifts me up. "Do you want to go the hotel for a bit?"

"No, I need to stay around here until Mum leaves."


At two Mum leaves and I sneak into the room after visiting hours. Dad looks up from the television in his private suite. "I thought you went back to the hotel."

"No, I wanted to stay here until Mum left."

Dad moves over and I climb into bed with. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. "I've missed you, Sam."

I smile. "Me too, Dad. I wanted to call you everyday. But, I realised that Gina had everyone turned against me. Even Kayne's parents don't like me. They even tried to break Maddox and I up because they believed everything Gina said."

Dad looks at the door. "Is Maddox going to come in?"

"He wants us to spend some time together." I close my eyes.

Dad whispers. "I'm sorry, Sam."

Then I hear the machine go 'beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.'

"Daaaaaaaaaad." I yell.

Nurses run into the room. One of them takes me outside.

Maddox pulls me into his arms.

I wrap my arms around him. "Dad, he..."

"Shhh, he's going to be alright, Sam. He wants to walk you down the aisle. He's going to fight for a second chance with you."

I hear. "Clear,"

I hold onto Maddox and bury my face in his shirt and I start to cry.

Maddox holds on tighter to me. "Your mother is here."

I move out of Maddox's arms and run to mum.

Mum hugs me. "I'm sorry, Samantha. I should have been a better mother. Can you forgive me?"

I nod. "I do, Mum. I love you."

A nurse walks out the room. "Mrs Black your husband is..."


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