'Mission Completed ?'

Start from the beginning

''A swordplay ? aren't you moving way too fast ?''

Ezra said.

''I have expectations''

Asher replied.

''If you say so then I will have some expectations too''

He smiled replying.

General Arden raised his hand giving the order while all the other knights walked inside that room where the blood drops led them to but no one was to be found.

The window was opened and so they all rushed out looking for the man who was hiding right behind the door waiting for the right moment to get out of there.

''Darn it ! I almost died for that old man's sake''

He whispered while still bleeding , he then made it to the building's roof and decided to watch from up there for a while before just jumping into his death.

'I can cross the line back easily , the space in between might give me few minutes before the Lydians notice me but if I jump into the river I'm not so sure I will be able to swim'

He thought to himself then said,

''Let's just do it''

The knights were still looking for him everywhere but gladly they did not consider him to jump all those buildings while bleeding and without anyone noticing he was finally in the between.

The ground was shaking under his feet , he knew he might faint anytime and so he just hurried and tried to avoid the river because if he faints in there then he's most likely a dead man.

All of the Lydian knights were still surprised , not only that a single man crossed the borders but that he went to the Petrians side which was a certain death yet came back alive.

''Sir ! I see someone coming towards us''

One of the watchers shouted.

Hawk was running in full speed towards them using his crossed swords as a shield from the arrows because if another one hits him it will be the end.

''Aim at him !''

The Commander ordered.

And the archers that were in position rained him in their arrows.

Gladly he was so close by at the moment so they could not keep aiming on him , this time he was not able to keep up with them and so once he jumped over them and ran on the opposite direction , he was at least safe from the archers.

Fighting those knights that ran towards him was unavoidable.

As they aimed for his head , he aimed for the legs just to get rid of them with no deep cuts which was extremely hard on him yet he finally made it through.

Hawk had to cross the bridge and then disappear into Oraios's streets.

He stopped for a second as his eyes widened in shock , he was not expecting another arrow to cut through his injured waist.

Hawk then fell into the river's cold water and was driven away by those waves...

''Hide you weaknesses and find theirs''

Aylin said.

''You make it sound so easy''

Elmer replied.

''Well it is not easy but still possible , let me help you create a flawless position first''

She said.


The prince replied.

''Stand up straight , hold your weapon correctly and then before you move you need to remember what you're fighting for , if you have no purpose you lose''

Those where Aylin's words , even though her purposes were not always for good but if a human being does not have a thing they want to achieve , she believes they will keep losing.

The two of them have been training for many hours now , he is able to fight Aylin without being on the ground from the first two seconds which was a huge progress for him.

The Petrian had a dagger in her hand as the prince held his father's sword with both his hands.

At first he was not so sure if they should be doing this with real weapons in case someone gets badly hurt , but Aylin told him that he will never learn if he plays it safe which made him agree at once.

''Watch every part of the enemy's body , the feet how will they move next ? the arms how will they attack ? even the eyes to know where they are aiming''

She said as she took her position few feet away from the prince who as well was ready for the new round to begin.

Elmer took a deep breath waiting for Aylin to come at him , trying to use every words of hers against her...

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