Beginne am Anfang

I looked at Pluto. He was fine, but shocked. He was holding onto Nico and Macaria, his knees weak and trembling. He was whispering something to them, but I couldn't hear him.

I turned back to the drakon. "Take me to The Tower of Nero. I know it'll be a while, but I'm sure we can do it."

The drakon nodded. He began to take heavy steps away from the mainland, and broke into a run. I couldn't see where I was going. I held on as well as I could as the drakon leaped into the air and dove into the water. 

I closed my eyes, and before I knew it, I was dreaming again.


"It's a stupid idea," I shook my head.

"Aw, c'mon," Alexander whined. "It's the best I've had yet."

"It's stupid though!" I shrugged.

"Look, it'll land us all in trouble," I said.

"It'll only land us in trouble," Alexander said. "There is no one else."

"For now! You've just gone and created Gaea-"

"I didn't do it willingly- she was just a prototype," Alexander defended himself.

"And look where that led us," I said, "I've already had to create Ouranos for her because she feels alone- how long before they start having children?"

"We'll manage," Alexander smiled at me innocently.

"Ugh," I looked at the bright stones on his hand. "What are you suggesting?"

"See, these are the Infinity Stones!" Alexander said, straightening up and smiling. "So- just here me out here, we have six for every universe. So, they will basically have power over the basic functions of life- Time, Soul, Mind, Power, Reality and Space. They'll take care of things while we look into other projects or have personal time off."

I blinked. "Not bad, but what will you do if someone gets a hand on them?"


"Basically, if you control the stones, you control time, soul, power and whatever, so what would you do if someone got a hand on all of them?"

"Well, for starters, we'll keep them safe in places they cannot be found easily," Alexander said. "And if someone does end up finding them, we'll banish them from the universe and keep them safe somewhere else! It's not like we're going to be going anywhere."

I considered this for a while. "This is just a prototype, right?"

"Yeah," Alexander was bouncing with joy.

"Fine, we'll try it, but if someone gets their hands on any one of them, it'll be your duty to banish them... make sure they get some duty like cleaning drainages or something," I said, getting up.

I opened my eyes one more time to see Alexander standing in front of me. "Welcome back," he smiled.


I gasped. "Did I just have a dream in a dream?"

"Not exactly," he chuckled. "I kind of triggered your brain to give you memories. The memories you just watched was you and me making-"

"Was you making the Infinity Stones," I smiled.

"Fine, just me making the Infinity Stones," he pouted. "It's the Greek version of the story-"

"There are other versions?"

"But the point is that, that was a mistake."

"Huge one, especially because you didn't banish Thanos," I said.

"Hey, I banished that Red Skull guy, at least," Alexander shrugged. "I saved the universe a forty years ago..."

"Not useful now," I said.

"Anyway," Alexander turned back to me, grinning, "that's not what I'm here for."

"Well, what are you here for then?" I asked.

"I just wanted to let you know that our plan worked," he said, "Jason's- I'm remembering!"

"Wait--" the realization settled into my brain. I grinned madly. "Really?"

"Yes!" Alexander jumped. "I mean, just two hours ago, he figured out a little bit."

"Figured out what?" I asked.

"That he's living for some purpose higher than just... being a hero," he said.

"What about everyone else?" I asked. "Is Percy okay? How about Annabeth-"

"Oh everyone's fine," Alexander said, "except... Dumbledore's dead."

"Albus Dumbledore?" I asked.

Alexander nodded. "Voldemort is rising. That's the bad part of the news I was here for. Tartarus has won two parts of the game. He has formed an alliance with Voldemort, and manipulated Thanos into destroying half the universe."


Alexander said, "Tartarus has left all demigods alive, but he plans to show them what it feels like to be monsters living in the midst of normal people."

"Jeez..." I said, my eyes wide. "That son of a gorgon..." I bit my lip. "That's evil."

"Tell me about it."


Sorry guys! Got to plan a friend's wedding, cuz I'm MOH, obviously. I'll try and update more!

Chaos Rising |BOOK 2| Harry Potter x PJO |Alexandra Marine|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt