Why did Jesse not want to talk to him? What was their history? The image of Jesse punching Brian in the face filled her mind, and she prayed that there would be no violence tonight.

Atlas leaned back in his chair. The other two men stopped talking when Jody sat in the seat across from Atlas. Jesse and Lorelei remained standing. His hand was on her waist.

"Long time no see," Jody said. "How have you boys been?"

"Who is this?" Atlas asked, lifting his chin to gesture toward Lorelei.

Jody looked over her shoulder at her. Jesse curled her into his body. A lump was forming in her throat.

Who was this man? Did she make a mistake in convincing Jesse to go to the Black Crow?

Atlas smirked before taking a sip of his drink. He cocked his head to the side as he analyzed Lorelei. The thigh slit seemed more revealing under his stare.

"Lor-" Jody started to say.

"It doesn't matter," Jesse cut her off. "We're leaving."

Atlas chuckled.

"Lighten up, Jesse," he said. "You never knew how to have fun. You and Marlowe were always two complete opposites."

Jesse's jaw hardened at the mention of his sister's name.

"You don't know Marlowe," he said. "Don't even try to pretend."

"I know her quite well," Atlas said. "And I want to know this girl you have."

"You don't know Marlowe."

"I know her enough to knock her up."

"Do you even visit Logan?"

All of the pieces were coming together in Lorelei's mind. Atlas was the father of Jesse's nephew. In the short time she knew Marlowe, Lorelei had never heard her speak about Logan's father.

"I'm a good father," Atlas said.

"You're a piece of shit," Jesse said.

Atlas pressed his lips into a line. Jody rolled her eyes. She crossed her legs. Her dress raised, exposing her thighs, and the other two men stared at her legs. Atlas was still focused on Lorelei.

"Who is this girl you're clinging to?" Atlas asked.

Jesse scowled. Jody looked over her shoulder at him and then shook her head.

"Atlas, don't be an ass," she said. "Jesse's girlfriend is a sweetheart."

"Girlfriend?" Atlas raised a brow. "I haven't seen you with a girlfriend before. Except for Jody, of course."

Jody rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"I came here because I thought it would be like the good ol' days," she said. "I thought we could drink and joke around like we used to."

"We can do that," Atlas said. "Once Jesse introduces us. It's rude for him to keep a beautiful girl like that to himself."

Lorelei focused on her breathing. Panic was starting to bubble to the surface, and she did not want to have an attack in a strange club because of this man. She would have sipped at her drink but was afraid to move her trembling hands.

There was a ring, and the man sitting to Atlas's right at the circular table pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. He stood and hurried away from the table. Atlas held out his hand to gesture to the seat. Lorelei's heart pounded when Jesse pulled her over to the chair. He sat and brought her down onto his lap. Her eyes darted around the club, hoping the room's darkness would hide her blush.

Jesse's hands were tight around Lorelei's waist. He slid his hand down, covering the top of the slit in her dress. Lorelei was gripping the glass so tight she was amazed that it did not shatter in her hands. Why did Jesse move them so that they were sitting? She was expecting him to pull her out of the Black Crow.

Atlas leaned forward, resting his elbows against his knees. A piece of his dark hair fell over his eyes. Lorelei held the glass to her chest to hide her cleavage.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" Atlas asked.

"Lorelei," Jesse said.

"Does she not speak?" he asked. "That's quite a change from Jody."

"You're lucky you're too far for me to punch," Jody said.

Atlas chuckled. Surprisingly, Jesse also laughed. It could barely be heard over the jazz music, but Lorelei could feel the rumble in his chest.

"How long have you had Lorelei?" Atlas asked.

"Had?" Lorelei asked.

The corner of his lips tugged into an even wider smile.

"She speaks," he said. He took his attention off Lorelei and looked at Jesse. "I bet she's a great sub."

It was the wrong time for Lorelei to sip her whiskey as she choked on her drink. Jesse moved his hand off her waist, weaving his fingers through her hair. He pulled her back into his body and kissed her cheek. Her jaw was open as she stared at Atlas in horror.

"She's amazing," Jesse said.

"She's a newbie, too," Jody said. "She picked it up like a natural."

"I'd love to watch sometime."

Lorelei muttered a curse under her breath. The embarrassment weighed heavy in her chest. She moved to stand, but Jesse tightened his fingers into her flesh. She swatted him away and set her glass down on the table. She stormed away from the table, fanning her face to try and get rid of the blush.

Unsure of where she was going, she followed the sign for the bathroom. Jesse grabbed her hand, but instead of pulling her back, he pulled her toward the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

He turned and smirked. A look told Lorelei that he had spicy plans for the two of them.

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