Chapter 21

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 Lorelei had yet to grow used to the smell of Christina's apartment. Christina had not said a word to them since they entered. She reeked of alcohol, her eyes were bloodshot, and rubbed her temple. She was failing at hiding her hangover. Jesse did not complain because Christina's not speaking meant they could throw out most of her belongings.

Christina sank into her recliner and buried her head in her hands. Lorelei and Jesse went into the kitchen. The smell grew stronger and made Lorelei gag when she saw all the moldy food. The masks they were wearing did not save them from the stench. Jesse chuckled.

"You can work in the ICU, but these rotten carrots are getting to you?" Jesse asked.

"Bodily fluids and mold are two different things," Lorelei said.

"Yes, bodily fluids are much grosser."

Lorelei giggled, and she held the garbage bag open. Jesse grabbed with his gloves handfuls of paper plates, old take-out containers, and open boxes and cans. Lorelei could hear Christina groan, and she looked over her should see her rubbing her forehead.

Jesse grabbed and tied the garbage bag when there was a knock on the door. He furrowed his brows, and Christina raised her head from her hands.

"Are you expecting anyone?" he asked.

"No," Christina said.

Someone pounded their fist on the door. Jesse set the bag down before going over to the door. Jesse's sister Marlowe was standing in the doorway. She had on a pair of overalls and a bucket full of cleaning supplies in her arms. She sighed and shook her head as she looked around the apartment.

"Seriously, Mom?" Marlowe asked. "This place is disgusting."

"Why are you here?" Christina snapped.

"You only have a few days left. I thought you could use all hands possible. Plus, I got a babysitter for Logan."

Jesse handed Marlowe a mask and a pair of gloves. She put them on before putting her hands on her hips. She looked around the apartment, shaking her head. Christina scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Marlowe, if you came to be judgemental, you can leave," Christina said.

"Mom, I came to help," she said.

"Then go help."

Christina waved her hand to motion toward the kitchen. Lorelei could not see the lower half of Marlowe's face, but by the way her eyebrows creased, she could tell that she was scowling. Lorelei bit on the inside of her cheeks. Was there going to be another big fight in Jesse's family?

"Mom, you're the one that is going to be homeless," Marlowe said. "Don't make Jesse and Lorelei do all the work."

"I don't feel well," Christina said.

"How much did you drink last night?"

Christina balled up her fist and slammed it on the chair's armrest. Lorelei jumped, but neither Jesse nor Marlowe reacted.

"Get out!" Christina said.

"Not until this place is clean," Marlowe said.

"Marlowe Jane Williamson, I said get out."

Lorelei's chest tightened, and her heart pounded as she listened. Christina used the full name of both her children when she was angry. Lorelei wanted to turn and continue to clean, but she was frozen. She thought her family was dysfunctional, but they never yelled like this.

Marlowe turned, but she grabbed her bucket instead of walking to the door. She did not say a word as she poured a cleaning solution in before filling it with water.

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