Chapter 64. Love is Not Enough

Start from the beginning

"I am comfortable  here Eric...really." 


Daphne stopped by to see what was going on with Tanya.  It was not like Tanya to not take her aunt's call.   "What is going on here Becky; you outright lied to me  that Tanya is not here when she is?" 

"Tanya asked me to tell you that.  She doesn't want to see you or anyone." Becky defended herself. 

"Is that so? Where is she now?" 

Becky directed Daphne  up the stairs to Tanya's suite.  It was after eleven AM but  Tanya was wrapped up in bed from head to feet.  Daphne walked in and pulled the blinds and drapes open letting in light into the room.  She sat on the bed and pulled the cover from Tanya's head.  "What is going on with you child? Why are you acting as if you have given up on life?"

"I just need some space right now aunty. Is that too much to ask?"

"Space? What does that mean? Why all of a sudden you need space? Your mother is worried about you, your husband is worried about you, even your dead father is worried about you.  What is going on?" Daphne was perplexed. 

'Dead father? Daddy?'   That got Tanya's attention. She quickly pulled up to a seated position.

"What do you mean Daddy is worried about me?"

"Well lets just say, the man cannot rest in peace.  Whenever something is going on with you, he shows up in my dream." Daphne explained.

"What did he say?" Tanya whispered.  'He always show up when I am in trouble'  

"He told me to come see about you...that you need me.  Do you need me Tanya?"

Tanya shrugged her shoulders.  "I just need some space right now from think."

"Everything was perfect  just before the party.  You and Eric were all over each other.  What happened at the party? Is this about that little girl?" Daphne queried. 

Tanya looked at her aunt.  "Yes, it is about her.  It's about the Willbrooks family. I think they are all so corrupt.  I know that they are hiding something about the kid from me and I think Linden is the main culprit.  Eric worships him and would follow him to hell."

Daphne made a hissing sound.  "To be honest with you that child gave me the chills.  I knew Sahita as a child and that little girl is the image of her...down to her mannerism.  I have never seen anything so creepy.  There is something  unnatural about that child.  I just feel it in my bones." 

"I don't know what to think about her.  I all but tell him that  he must have slept with his mother to produce an exact replica of her."

Daphne crossed hersself.  "Oh hell no! Tell me that you didn't utter that from your mouth."

"What do you think?"

"I don't know Tanya.  I am sure that Sahita has something to do with this, but in no way do  I think that Eric  is involved like you say.  I can't say it and I can't think it...not Eric"

"Then how else do you explain a child that looks like Eric and his mother...Dont tell me that you believe all the crap they said."

"Look I don't know, but where ever Sahita is, she is having the last laugh if you let this break up you and Eric.  From what I gather, the kid is not Eric's.  What or who this child is  no one seems to know.  To be honest, I don't believe Linden or Eric knows. The only person who can answer that question is Sahita and she is missing.  My guess is that  Sahita and Seena created that baby in a lab some where."

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