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       I feel myself being gently placed onto something soft and comfy.  A bed.  I can smell lavender and mint and musk.  It's not a smell that makes Claire jump around so I know it's not my mate or even my second chance mate, if I even have one.  Then I hear the voices, "Is she going to be ok, doc?" A deep male voice asks, one with some authority.  An Alpha or Beta maybe.
  Oh no, I am not on my pack lands anymore.  That means in my rush to get away from Damon, I crossed the boarder of my Black Moon Pack and into Howling Moon Pack, one of the most violent and ruthless packs of the American continent.  They kill first and forget about questions being asked.  Rogues don't even cross their boarders in fear of being torn to shreds in mere seconds.
  "I am not sure Alpha, she hit her head pretty hard and some reason her wolf was already weak so it's taking time to heal.  She also had extensive internal bleeding.  She's a lucky she-wolf to even be alive by the looks of her car.  She should have been cut in half by the steering wheel and the speed she was travelling."
  "Thank you doc.  Keep me updated.  I am  going to see if she's missing from a pack."
  I let out a quiet whimper as I really don't want to go back to my old pack.  I can't stand to see my mate with someone else.
  "Alpha, did you hear that?"
  "Hear what doc?"
  I hear a sigh, "nothing Alpha, I thought I heard her whimper when you mentioned seeing is she was missing, but I must be mistaken."
  "Hmm, ok doc.  Keep me updated and let me know if she makes any actual noises or wakes up.  I'll be in my office". Then I hear footsteps and the door close.
  "Ok my dear, you can open your eyes, it' just me."
  I open my eyes slowly and close them quickly due to the bright light.
  "Oh, I'm so sorry, just a second.  Let me turn off some of the lights for you, my dear." The voice that belongs to the doctor says.  "Ok, try now."
  I open my eyes and find that it's much easier as some of the lights are off and others are dimmed making the room look like I've sunglasses on.  I blink a few times and get my vision adjusted then I hear a throat clear.  I look to my right and see a kind man with a gentle smile looking at me.  He's got salt and pepper hair making him look distinguished.  He's not wearing the typical doctor attire of a white coat with a stethoscope hanging around his neck, but rather he's dressed in a button down and slacks.
  "Hello, my dear.  I am Dr. Smythe.  How are you feeling?"
  "I..I..I think ok.  Where am I?"  I look around the room and notice that it is sparsely decorated minus a few ominous paintings that I can't make out due to the lack of lighting and of course, the lights.  There is a black couch and a chair in front of a huge TV that is hanging on the wall and there is a fireplace underneath the TV.  There's a small bar in the corner and a massive closet on the other side of the room.  A door beside it tells me that it's probably the ensuite and when I come back to the bed, it's full sized California King bed with of course black sheets and comforter. 
  "You're at Howling Moon Pack, my dear.  You had a rather unfortunate meeting with a tree and you and your car got banged up pretty bad, I'm afraid."
  "How long have a I been here for?
  "2 Weeks, my dear.  You had some very serious injuries and your wolf is very weak and couldn't heal you."
  "Claire?  Are you ok?"
  "Yes, I am sorry I couldn't heal you as fast as normal.  The rejection and accepting of it made me weak and I just didn't have the energy.  I am so sorry huni.  I am working on healing you now and you are almost there."
  "It's ok Claire, I am sorry I hurt you."
  "You didn't hurt us, huni."
  "My dear?  Are you ok?  I lost you."
  "Oh yes, sorry, I was talking to my wolf."
  "Is she ok?"
  "Yes, she is working on healing me right now."
  "Fantastic!  That's wonderful news.  But tell me, my dear.  What is your name and where are you from?"
  I gulped because I knew he would tell the Alpha and send me back to my pack.  "My name is Levi Heart but I don't want to tell you my pack.  I can't go back, please!"  i begged him.
  "I knew it.  I just knew it as soon as I saw your eyes.  My sweet angel, I've missed you so much!"  With that I am pulled into a massive bear hug by a man I have no clue who he is.
  "What the hell are you doing!"  A voice shakes the man away from me.

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