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  So, back to what I was saying, 6 more weeks of school and 4 more days until I'm 18.  I close my locker and head to my first class of the day. It being a Monday, we are all kind of slow and still tired from the weekend.  Billy Thompson had a party Saturday night and of course everyone was there.  My friend Scarlet dragged me along so she could see if she could find her mate.  Scarlet turned 18 a month ago but didn't find her mate, so I sat with her, along with her parents, through her first shift.  She didn't meet her mate Saturday night, but she met Matt and that seemed to suit her just fine.  I'm saving myself for my mate, so I don't kiss or fool around and I don't drink.  Alcohol doesn't really affect werewolves as our metabolism is so high, we burn it off as we consume it.
  Of course, Damon was there with his flavour of the week, Tamara Jans.  She's the daughter of the Alpha of the neighbouring pack and is obsessed with Damon to the point that she started a rumour that he said he would take her as his chosen mate once she turns 18. She has already said she will reject her mate if she does meet him, though, as Damon is one fine ass werewolf.  At 6'5" and full on lean muscle, with shoulder length dark hair and green eyes a strong, well defined jawline that always has a 5 o'clock shadow, broad shoulders, long legs with huge hands and feet, a smile to die for and a voice so deep and sexy, it sends shivers down your spine when he talks, Damon is sex god walking.
  I have to shake myself out of the thought I was having keep walking to class.  Myself, I am 5'6", long blonde hair that has a natural wave it in, bright blue eyes and full pink lips.  I am somewhat gifted in the chest area and I know I have a butt you can bounce a quarter off of, but that's because I train.  I am strong but shapely and I get compliments on my body all the time, which is where I got the "you could bounce a quarter off my ass" since I've heard it a few times and I am guessing it's a good thing.
  As I walk into class, I see Scarlet in the back beside my normal seat.  I sit next to her and she leans over to talk to me when the door opens and in walks Damon with 3 of his buddies, Jason, his Beta 17, Dom, his Gamma, 18 and Ryan, his best warrior, who just turned 18 today.  Damon looks over at me there is something in the way he's looking at me, something different than his usual glare.  Dare I say lust, desire?  Nah, I've got to be just tired.  Then suddenly Scarlet grabs my arm and when I look over, she's got their weirdest look on her face.  Her eyes are huge and her mouth is wide open.  Suddenly I hear her say "Mate"
  I look over to where she is looking thinking maybe it's Damon and it wasn't me he was looking at, but Scarlet.  But when I look over, Damon and Jason are both staring at Ryan who has the same look and is looking straight at Scarlet. There is sudden growl and the word "MATE!" Comes from his mouth as he is jumping over desks to get to Scarlet.  He gently pulls her to his chest and they stare into each other's eyes and he growls and slams his lips onto hers.  When he pulls back, Scarlet is trying to catch her breath while Ryan, at 6'4" and muscle upon muscle grins and saying MINE slamming his lips to hers again.  He then picks her up over his shoulder and proceeds to walk out the class room with her.  Until the teacher walks in that is.
  "Mr.Ryan, please put Miss Scarlet down this instant.  You are a werewolf, not a caveman. You can mate her and claim her after school."
  Ryan puts Scarlet down and gently runs the back of his fingers down her cheek, then he gets a set grin on his face "Oh I will mate her, many times tonight and she will be mine."
  Scarlet giggles and we face is red as a tomato.  He leans down and kisses her softly on the lips and when she walks passed him, he smacks her ass and declares "That's mine too."  He gives her a wink when he turns and smiles at him and then finds his seat beside Damon.
  Scarlet sits beside me and she's absolutely glowing.  I've never seen her so happy.  "Oh Levi, I can't believe my mate is Ryan.  OMG, isn't he gorgeous, and those muscles and that kiss.  Holy shit, he can kiss.  I can't wait for tonight."  I laugh at how she's talking a mile a minute and can't sit still at her desk.  I look over and see Ryan sitting at an angle so he can look at Scarlet.  He doesn't take his eyes off of her until the teacher calls him on it and tells him to pay attention or he will tell the Alpha to remove him from the training lead.  A growl leaves Ryan's lips as he reluctantly turns but not before blowing Scarlet a kiss and a look that promises she will be walking funny tomorrow. 
  I laugh at Scarlet and look over to Ryan, but I see Damon looking at me.  I've got be imagining it.  It's because Scarlet found her mate and I want to find mine too, that's all it is.  I look away and begin to take notice the class. 
  At the end of class, Scarlet and I are leaving when a large shadows crosses in front of us, Ryan.  He puts his arm around Scarlet's waist and pulls her to him.  "Can I walk you to your next class, babe?"
  Scarlet giggles, "Sure, but Levi is walking with us too, ok?"  I feel like a 3rd wheel right away.  "Oh, no, no, it's ok, you two go on ahead.  I'll just hang back and walk slow.  It's Biology anyways, not like I'm going to sprint to be the first one there."
  Scarlet gives me an appreciative smile and Ryan gives me a wink and they disappear into an empty classroom.  I stroll on down the hallway thinking that I am happy for Scarlet and Ryan.  Ryan has always been nice to me, even after Damon declared me unfriended by him.  They all are actually as I did nothing wrong for him to treat me that way.  Caught in my thoughts, I'm not paying attention to where I am walking and even up nose first into a wall of muscle.  The smell of musk tells me exactly who it is. 
  "Sorry Damon". I go to walk around him but he grabs my arm and pulls into the lockers.  He cages me with his arms on each side of me and looks down at me, his eyes are full of rage.  "Look, it was an accident, not like I wanted to run into you."
  "Listen here mutt, just because your little bestie is now my buddie's mate, doesn't mean you're back in the group, got it?  I voted you out and you will stay out."
  "What the fuck did I ever do to you to make you hate me, Damon?  I've never hurt you or said bad things about you, until you were an asshole to me, then I called you an asshole, but before that, I didn't do anything to you.  Yet, you seem to want to hurt me anyway you can, any chance you can."
  "I don't need a reason.  I am the Alpha's son and I can do whatever I want.  Besides, you're ugly, too ugly to be my friend"
  "Fuck you, Damon.  You really are an asshole!"  I push at him and he backs up and lets me go.  I run into the girls washroom just in time to hear Scarlet yelling at Damon calling him an asshole and Ryan giving him shit asking what that was all about and why was he being extra assholey today.

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