"And that it will be."She said."You, Zenith and all of you guys have made human life miserable. Edgar almost had us because of some foolish argument. Why don't you guys do your thing there and let we the mortals rest here. At least,what can I do,you people can't die can you? And I'm not even sure Edgar is even dead. Cause you say he's an immortal too."

"He's dead."Ezra said."And we can be in peace."And with that he held her hand."

"Really?"She said and she gently pulled her hand and turned."Really?"She said angrily and threw some holy water on him.
"Leave from here! You demon."
She cursed and he saw it coming.

Now it had seemed he wouldn't easily make Kayla forgive him. All he saw was the hatred for him and she not willing to forgive him was far painful than the physical pain he was feeling.

"I said leave!" She said dragging him to the back door.

"Kayla please don't do this."He begged."I will be cursed if I leave without your forgiveness. I will not be the same."

"You want my forgiveness? Just get out and never see my face again. That will do."


"Ezra you will be a useless one if you still stay with me. For what you people have done,as long as I live,I promise on law of karma that I will eliminate all of you and your descendants and even if you mate with a mortal or even if Zenith especially tries to think of it,I will be there to kill him."

"And I will not allow that to happen."He said and held her hand tightly."You mortals are nothing before my eyes and I'm not even sure you will live to see that."

She just slapped him upon hearing that."Try me."

She said and shut the door.


"Kayla everything is going to be just.... fine."She told herself and sat down.
She was really hurt to say that to him... especially how he reacted towards her in the end.

Leila who had been looking for her saw her.
"Kayla!"She said and went to her."He came didn't he?"

But she did not mind answering.

"Kayla you liked him didn't you? I'm sorry I didn't see that coming but please...."She wiped her tear."Don't spoil your beautiful makeover okay?"

"Leila what sin have I done?"Kayla sadly asked."Why me?"

"It's all in the past and you're twenty. Let's make your birthday the best one ever even if it will last a week or two. Forget about him besides you will get someone even better than him."

That just cheered her up.
"Now let's make your day the best day ever."


The rest of the day was to die for. Kayla was dressed in the most expensive gown ever.
All those who came were happy for her.
Leila could now see the lost happiness now forming on her face.

"Well done Leila."Susan said."Now with you, I can see the future of your father's company and yours."

"Thanks mom."


Kai,after a long time seeing Kayla surprisingly came to her.
"Hay how are you?"

"Good. By the way you look beautiful."He said."Care to Dane with the birthday girl here?"

"Cool. "Kayla said."I'll be cool with that."

They danced with the lights shining on them.

"Don't they look good together?"Astha asked Leila who was with Susan."Sorry aunt Susan. I was .....I was just .....I was...."

"It's okay."

"Astha. Why are you asking me?"

"But they look really mignon (cute) together."

Meanwhile,he was there hiding in a corner watching Kayla dance happily with Kai.


Gracefully,the days for preparing Kayla's talk-of-the-town birthday was finally over.

It had been months since Leila last heard of Zenith so she decided to contact Vail or Tyson. That is if she ever saw them.


Extra days had passed and still Zenith had not woken up.
Vail contacted Leila about Zenith's doing.

"Okay."She said."Please alert me of he wakes up."

"What's that matter?"Kayla asked.

"It's....it's no one."she replied.

"You called those people right?" she asked and the silent look could tell."Leila please. Don't even think of what I'm thinking right now and don't let me see him or else it will be his last."

With that,she stormed out.

Later in the day, Leila received a call.

"Vail."She called."Is everything alright?"

"Leila you don't know what I'm coming to say."

"Is Zenith awake?"

"Yes."He shouted.

"Let me see him."


"Zenith I think there's someone who wants to see you."Vail told Zenith who laid on his bed.

"Zenith."Leila cried."You're awake?"

"Yes Leila."He said tiredly on the phone."I came back because of you."

"And I'm glad you did.  But never do that again."

That even made him smirk.

"But Zenith,thank you."

"You're welcome."


In the evening.......

Susan and her two daughters had the best evening meal.

"So won't you girls at least give me a good night peg?"

"Mom?"The two ladies said and rushed to their mom and gave her a peg."

"You the best mom."Leila said.

"Indeed you are."Kayla continued.

"I'm glad I have such daughters like you."

"I'm going to sleep."Kayla said."You can continue with your romancing. Good night."

"Kayla?"Leila laughed."Good might mom."

"Good night Leila."

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