Chapter 60

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He motioned the people to stop chanting and went to take a closer look.

There he cut his palm and dropped the blood in it's mouth and stood up.
"Now rise."

After sometime,the body moved and it's eyes shot open in anger and revenge.

"Welcome back Elias."He said."Now you will be their leader."

He stood up with his gravitational power and stared at Edgar.

"Why did you bring me back?"

"Because I want you to."He paused."Ezra killed you right?"

The look on Elias' face said it all.

"You must get rid of him."Edgar said."After all he was there before you and for you to have more of what he has,you have to kill him. There you can do whatever you want to do."

There the evil smile on Elias' face was so dark that it made him clench his fist.


Astha and Vail were back from their picnic with Lucy and Tyson.

There, Leila saw them and smiled.

"Leila."Lucy called.

"Hey. Where were you guys?"She asked."I didn't even see a trace of you two.

"Going for a picnic."Astha replied.

"Hm? Anyways the party is tomorrow."Leila reminded."So please don't end up in troubles."

"Don't worry about that."Tyson said.

"Ok...Tyson right?"Leila said and he nodded in reply.

"But what are we waiting for? We have to select the dresses we have to wear tomorrow."Astha said and they all went together.

As they went, they saw Kayla and Ezra busily talking.

"The fact that you saved me twice doesn't make you right."

"And what do you mean?"He asked.

"You people do good things that makes you fell all good within."She said."It won't work on me but thanks anyway."

But their talk was interrupted.

"What are you two doing ?"Vail interrupted.

"We're just talking."Kayla replied.

"Good since you all are here why don't we select the dresses we will wear for tomorrow."Leila said.

They walked and entered a certain room with so many dresses in it.

Each of them selected the dress they wanted.
There was chatting and laughing here and there until Kayla decided to say a word or two to Lucy.

As Lucy stared at her dress,Kayla came to her.

"I'm sorry"She said."I didn't mean to say such angry words to you. I can be a pain in the gut sometimes."

"It's alright."She said."It's my fault. If I had looked at things enough, I wouldn't have said such words to you. It's really hurtful to the listener. Please I should be the one to ask fur your forgiveness."

"I forgive you okay?"She said."I need to apologize to Leila too."

With that she stood up and went to Leila.

"Love the dress. It's a good match to your colour."

"Thank you."Leila replied."it's just a dress."

"I need to apologize for my actions."Kayla said."Can you forgive me?"

Now she herself did not know whether what she said was from her heart or not.

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