Chapter 74

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"Then what is it?"

"Do you believe in supernatural creatures?"Kayla asked.

"Well.... I don't know."She replied."Not really."

"Will you believe me if I tell you that they're real and that I saw one a while ago?"

Stephanie could not process what she had heard." saw one?"She said."That's something. Are you alright?"

It was until Ezra decided to interrupt.
"In case you're hungry food is in the kitchen."

"Who is he?"Stephanie asked.

"A friend of mine."Kayla answered."

"Call me Ezra."He said.

She asked in her ear."He's really handsome. Is he one of them?"

"Stephanie he's my friend. Do you think I will befriend a non human?"She asked."Let's go. Food is ready."

They went and indeed it was ready. They ate and conversed and it had seemed it made Kayla happy a bit.

Stephanie decided to head home and talk to her later.
"Bye."She said and went.

It was now left with the two of them alone.

"Thank you."She said."But I should be the one to do that."

"It's nothing."Ezra said." But can you live her all alone? Elias might look for you. He's not human."

"I'll manage."

"No."He disagreed."Stay with me for sometime."

"No I said I'll manage."She replied."I've already created trouble there. Don't worry I have my own headquarters I'll be staying in. Follow me."

They went and reached a painting. There she placed her palm on the hidden part it and it opened an elevator.

There they entered it and there it was,her secret hideout.

"In case you want to see me,I'm here."She said.

"Whenever you need me,just call."He said and handed her phone.

"Thanks."She smiled and hugged him.

"You're welcome."He said."But you're not going to be staying here the whole day,are you?"

"In this situation,I will."

"Let me go."Leila shouted."You're stupid if you don't know."

"Me? Stupid? Look at you."Edgar said as he pulled her hair."You have joined useless people who think they will help you. When you fine their true nature,then you will see."

He then took her to Susan's room where she laid.

"Your mother."He told her and she went to her.

"Mom."She called and looked at Edgar."Is she dead?"She screamed.

"Is she?"He asked."Look at her. If she was indeed dead,do you think I will be keeping her?"

At least she wasn't and for that she was glad to hear that.
"Why are you doing this? Why are you putting people's life in danger?"

"Why?"He laughed and shouted."Because my father was taken from me and that Zenith and Leinali are the people responsible."

"They are good people."She said."You are not."

Her statement made him angrier.
He went to her and pulled her hair and forced her to watch her mother.

"Isn't that painful?Watch her. Doesn't she look pity to you? Yet here you are joining people who will make your life a living hell."

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