Chapter 97.

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"Should I repeat the question again?"This time she looked serious."Or you want me to get you out?"

"It''s me."She replied.

Kayla asked.

"I....I thought she asked your mother about it. I really didn't know."

"Don't say this to me. Rather my mother or else she herself will fire you."


The lady was convinced she would be fired anyway so she went to Susan and exposed herself.

You could have imagined how Susan felt.

Quickly she went to Janette and pulled her outside.

There she called a friend of hers.

"You can't do anything."She reminded."I am..."

"The president's niece."Leila continued."How pathetic."

"This girl will not know what hit her."Susan said.

In no time the police,the lawyers and one judge came.

"What... what's this?"

"You took the laws into your own hands."One lawyer said."Either you go the easy way by giving back the shares or you see this judge? No one escapes him. Or else you will go to jail and no president wants his family members to end up in jail do you?"

"We will take it to court."Janette told her.

"Oh why don't we take it to the conference room instead? After all the people are all here."Kayla said and smiled wickedly." If you win you go but if you loose ....the police will do a nice parade for jail."


They were all in the room. Janette too called her lawyer and the debate begun.


It took about three hours before the judge was able to come to a final decision.

Finally as everyone waited, Janette somehow knew she would not get out in this one.

"I have come to a decision that she gives the shares to them and fines the amount double of what she used to buy the shares."He said."Or you will be sentenced to twelve years in jail for illegal buying of shares."

"It's your choice Janette."Leila told her."You don't want to spend twelve years of your life in jail."

She was given some documents for her to sign in.
"I'll come for you Leila and especially that sister of yours."

With that she signed it and stormed out.

The lawyer behind Janette gave Susan the cheque.

It was final. Now they've got it back.

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