Chapter 120.

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"I'm coming for you"He said."And anyone who tries to deal with me will die."


Zenith and the dragon fought an unforgettable one and to their surprise,the dragon was defeated.

It laid on the ground weak and Zenith was about to finally get rid of it when he stopped.

"I will not kill you because I have defeated you."He said."I came here for something and I will not let anything cross my path."

"Indeed you are the rightful owner."The dragon said."Zenith. Son of Queen Alicia. The Getrian sword is now yours."

"Getrian sword."They said in shock."Isn't it the elemental sword?"July asked.

"That is the role of the sword."The dragon answered and stared at Zenith."Now you hold the sword. It will connect to your inner self and reveal your true self."

They watched with smiling faces as he took the sword from the dragon.

Suddenly a bright flash of light circulated the whole area.

"Your true self revealed."

The dragon said and they observed how much Zenith had changed.

His hair was not dark anymore but rather light brown.

He too noticed how much he had changed and was not surprised to see them all looking at him like that.

"Will he be like this for ever?"Asia asked the dragon.

"As long as he holds the sword,he will be like this."It answered."He will be his former self once he doesn't use the sword."

With a smile on his face, Zenith thanked the dragon and gave him the Getrian greeting where one will firstly touch the forehead with one hand and continue with the right and left shoulder and bow the head.

They watched as the dragon's spirit dwelled into the sword.

"Enchantress."Asia called."We have gladly retrieved the sword or should I say ....the Getrian sword."

"Well done you three."She praised them and saw Zenith."Your inner self revealed. Now come home. There are more good news to say to you all."

Without wasting much time, July created a portal for them.

"Surprised huh?"He said."I'm the son of an enchantress."

With laughter in their faces,they all went through.


They made it back to Getra.

"About the hebrew meaning. Leila and Vail found it."She said."It is the six most powerful zodiacs."

"Praise the creator."July said."And who's Leila?"


As they conversed Ezra with Leila and Kayla came and Leila was as angry as ever so she tried to calm herself down but it didn't quite work and Kayla noticed that.

Zenith came to give her a hug only to receive a nasty slap from Leila.

"Leila!"Kayla said shocked."What the hell?"

"How could you do this Zenith?"She shouted."Why did you kill my father?"

"What are you talking about?"Kayla asked."Dad died fifteen years ago."

"Because he's not human. He's a beast."She told her."The dream was finally clear and it was him."

"I can explain."He begged.

"I don't need your explanation"

Quest Of Battleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें