Chapter 108

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"Well done."Petra praised her."Well I didn't come to kill you. I've come to take you with me."She said."Either we go the easy way or the hard way. It's your choice."


Leila who was outside couldn't hear Kayla's voice.
With that she called.


"What do you want from me?"Kayla asked.

"It's not me."She said."Someone wants to see you."

"It's Edgar right?Tell him I'm not coming."

Kayla heard Leila's voice so she responded but Leila could not hear her.

"Don't stress yourself."Petra told her."She won't hear us.  Now that I'm here."

Kayla did not even listen. All she did was to hit the door and shout for someone to help.

It bothered Petra and with that she held her hair and threw her to the ground.

"It seems you've chosen the hard way."

"Shut up!"Kayla said trying to calm herself down."You all are nitwits"
And with that she stood up.

"It seems you don't like giving up."

With that they started fighting.


"Mom."Leila called."It's Kayla. She's locked."


"She saw someone pass by and she warned me but when I got out,she was locked inside."

"No not Kayla too "Susan said to herself."I'll be there."


Leila then saw a stone and used it to break the window.

Without wasting much time,she threw herself in.

The fighting had ended with Kayla on the ground trying to get up.

Petra just stood beside her holding her hand.

"Hello Leila. Greet Zenith for me."

"You won't get away with it."Leila said and quickly went to her sister pushing Petra.

"Get out!"She shouted.

"Or what?"

But Leila herself could not know what to say next.
She could not even defend herself in front of people how much more immortals..... demons especially.

Petra suddenly disappeared.

"Kayla"She called but she immediately pulled herself from her and stood up.

"Thanks for helping."She said sarcastically.

Leila then looked around the house making sure Petra wasn't there...but she was and she was waiting....

They decided to leave when Petra came and pulled Kayla from Leila  but when she turned,it was too late..... Kayla was already taken.

Leila stood there confused,angry and frustrated.
She couldn't even move her body.

It just took place so slow before her eyes.

After sometime, Susan quickly came in.

"Where is your sister?"

But Leila nodded her head quickly."She's not here."

"What do you mean?"Susan asked a bit angry."Didn't you tell me she was in here?"

"Yes but....."

"But what!"Susan shouted.

"She's not here....she was taken. I tried but....I didn't see that coming."

The frustrated look on Susan's face was visible. There was a mix of anger and mostly confusion.

"We should ask Zenith to help."

"No Leila."Susan cut her off."I won't put Kayla's life in the hands of those miscreants."

"Mom...she needs us."Leila told her."She is my sister. She helped me and I did nothing to repay her. Now that she's in need I will save her even if I end up in the ends of that place."

Quest Of BattleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz