Chapter 30

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She had the idea of piercing his skin but when she was about to do that,he tightened it and pulled her.

"Where are you taking me?"

Without a word,he took her to the other side of the ship.

"You owe me something."He said.

"I don't even know you so please I'm not doing that."

"You brought this unto yourself and I'm doing my part. Either you do it or I will."

And this time, Kayla saw the seriousness in his eyes.
What has she gotten into now?

"You are a strange person now leave me alone."

"I'm not."He said and pulled her to his embrace.

The reflection of the moon gave Ezra an outstanding beauty and Kayla's eyes just sparkled complimenting her cuteness.

"Don't..."She commanded."My people will come for you."

"Let them."He challenged and caressed her cheeks.

Quickly he held her hair and kissed her.

She tried to stop him him but he smartly held her waist tightly preventing her from doing so.

To him, unless she gives up he will not stop.

Finally after all efforts,she gave up and kissed him back.

She immediately pushed him and went with embarrassment and anger on her face.

Ezra who was all alone stood there and went.
At least he kissed her but a part of him regretted it which he didn't know why.

He arrived and continued sailing.


The next day.....

The girls came out from their various rooms all happy and excited to see such a day again except Kayla.

"What's wrong?"Leila asked.

"Nothing."She replied not wanting to look at her.

Leila could not stand Kayla's attitude towards her.

Out of anger she held her."No."

"Leave my hand."She said trying to calm herself down.

"Tell me. What's wrong with you?"

"I don't be time for that."She pulled her hand and went.

"Kayla!"She shouted."Kayla!!"

They all got out of the ship and went to take a swim.

The girls swam separately and the boys did.

They later came into the ship and headed to their various rooms.

"You have my dresses?"Kayla asked turning her gaze away.

"Here."She replied and headed to her room as Kayla followed her.

Without a word, Leila handed her travelling bag to her.

"Hope your friend is not worrying you."she turned.

But she did not mind responding.
She just took it and went to her room.

Leila,after dressing up,went to take some fresh air and roam around the ship until......

"Sorry I just....I wanted to have some air."

"Don't worry."He said."Come. I have to talk to you."

They walked around as he showed her around.
They entered a room that looked very much like a study.
He stood near the window looking at the view in front of him.

"About the last time,you were wondering how I brought you home."

"Yes of course."

"I used to pass there and know everyone in each house."

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