Chapter 6

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She ran far from home and did not bother to look back. She felt untrustworthy and betrayed.
Leila's closest friends Astha and Lucy called but she turned a deaf ear to them.

She was not really used to the United States,the surroundings and the forests especially.

After some time,she went into the woods and sat on a bench she saw.
She was quite afraid of forests,the trees and everything containing it but her anger prevented her from being afraid so she sat down and ate her breakfast.


"Mom I need to go to the church. Right now I need a calm mind."

"Leila it's not your fault."

"Mom please..."She cried. "I'm not a little seven year old girl again."

"Fine."She said and sat down holding her forehead."You can go."

In no time, Leila went out.

In the woods....

Kayla sat down watching some pictures she took with Leila. A part of her regretted it but she did not mind. She deleted the pictures of Leila.

"You betrayed me and did nothing when dad needed you the most. I will seek revenge no matter what."

And with that, she deleted the last picture of Leila.

It was around five thirty in the afternoon when she saw Leila busily walking.
She wanted to find a way to end her(Leila's) life but she doing that will make her dirty so she hid beside a tree and later went deeper into the woods when there was no trace of Leila.

All alone in the woods Kayla watched the birds chirping.
"By this time birds are chirping? That's something."
And idea hit her."What's the time?"

She checked and it was now 7:00 .

The place was really dark. She wanted to go but lost her way. She wanted to go far from her home.

So,she sat down and bent her knees.

Some time later  footsteps was heard and she quickly got up.
"Who is there?"
But no answer.

"Don't you dare hide from me. I said who is there. You better don't be a demon or else I will kill you."
The footsteps became louder and a dark figure mysteriously appeared.
She couldn't believe her eyes.
So out of fear,she ran like never before.

But unfortunately,she was no match for him. To make things worse,she ran much deeper into the woods.

"Leave me alone."she shouted posing to fight.

"You know nothing dear. "He said."You are so weak."

"And who are you?"

"Elias."he said."But you will not see me for the rest of your life."

"Nonsense."She said to herself.
Immediately,he appeared behind and held her.

"You are really cute and tough and I like tough meat."

"Leave me."

"That easily. Oh no. I'm not human as you are. You yourself can tell from the way I appear."

"I said leave me."She stepped on him and quickly ran away.

But it did not take long fo him to catch up with her. He pushed her on the ground and ripped off her ticup top.

"Shh. Everything will be fine just obey me for the night and you will feel the pleasures of the world."

"Let me go."she almost cried as she held his hand but he slapped her powerful enough to knock her out.

"Oh little mortal."He adjusted her hair. "This will be fun."

Kayla woke up some seconds later when she tried shouting for help but her voice betrayed her.

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