Chapter 65

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"It's too early in the morning and please don't say that. We all have our common senses."

Her words seemed to make him laugh."Okay....just saying."

There was no exchanges after that.
After she was done,she touched her mother's bracelet and told herself that everything would be fine now that she's a step closer to finding her.

Zenith who had observed her silence did not mind breaking it.
So in a jiffy,he went to a corner and vanished to where he was going to.

After sometime, Leila turned but couldn't see Zenith anywhere and that surprised her.

Without wasting much time,she went back outside where she saw Leinali.

"Everyone is not here."She said."Is the party somewhere else?"

"No. They are in their various rooms. They have to save their energy for tonight."Leinali replied."Go and take some rest."

In a reply, Leila nodded and went.


"It's today."Kayla said in her bath robe."She will be gone for good."

She went to the window and took a deep breath."How delightful today will be."

As she watched,there was a knock at her door and and quickly she went.

"Ezra. What are you doing here?"She said and he entered.

"Don't act like I'm the stranger here."He said."I came to apologize for my actions I did the last time."

"And how many people are apologizing to me?"She said to herself.
"It's okay."She said."I need to say the same thing because I.... decided to hear some news of yours."

"What?"He said trying to calm himself down."It's okay. I forgive you."

"Chill. I was just confessing and you're about to boom? Seriously get it together."

She went to her wardrobe and took her dress."Now you can leave. In coming to change."

"And is there anything wrong if I decide to stay?"

"You're nuts aren't you? She said."You....wait here."

She later came holding a bowl half full of water.
Ezra who already knew what she held still stayed.

"Now leave."
There she poured the water all on him but he still stood there, shocking her even more.

"Are you done?"

"Yes I am so leave."She replied and dragged him outside."And I'm so sorry. Again ok."

"Humans."He said angrily."Her own will surely come."


"Janette."Leila called."How are you?"

"Good."She said."So why are you calling me? I'm really busy."

"I just called to see how you were doing."

"Oh.....I'm doing great."She said.
Janette on the other hand,did not like calling Leila at all. She always thought Leila is the dull and soft type and that's what she liked about her. The fact that Leila could believe her more than her own sister made Janette a bit complecent.

"And how Kayla doing?"She asked and raised her anger on her."Now that you're not back in Africa."

"Janette. How did you know and why are you so angry?"Leila rose her voice.

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