Chapter 71

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No words were exchanged.

That was until someone came unexpectedly.

"Well well well."She said."It isn't who I'm thinking about."
She then drifted to Kayla.

"Isosceles."Ezra said."That's unexpected."

"I thought this mortal had gone back home."

"No I haven't and why are you talking though you're not one of us."

Isosceles just smiled and went to her."I'm not one of you."She said and whispered to her ear."I'm a vampire. All of us are and we can already sense you."

Then she went back to Ezra."Tell her. Who are you?"

"I'm out."

She went to Isosceles and gave her a nasty slap drawing people's attention.
"Look here. I don't care whether you're human or not so don't use that thing to threaten me. It doesn't work."

"Oooh."She said."Well let me show you."

"This will be fun."Edgar said and his people attacked killing all those they could get.


The screams and fights in there interrupted their lovely conversation.
Immediately,they came and witnessed an awful scene.

Blood had been shed and the remaining people who had managed to live,hid.

Leila saw a confused Kayla sitting on the floor with her hands covering her ear.

"She's a vampire. They're all vampires."She told herself."What have I done?"As Leila ran to her sister Edgar appeared in front of her.

"Nice to see you again, Leila."He said.

"Where is my mother."She asked in anger.

"Stop it."Zenith shouted."She has not done anything."

"You stop it."He shouted back and went to Zenith."Stop acting Zenith."

"Edgar."Leinali cut him off."Leave her alone."

Her statement even made him laugh."Just like that? She is a mere human being. What is so useful about them?" He pointed.

"Edgar."Ezra called."You have made your hatred hide the good things about them."

This time it had seemed what Isosceles said was verifying in Kayla's head.

"You."He said and laughed."You joined these people? Have you already forgotten your sister is with me dying for you to save her? And here you are."

"Stop it."Kayla said and stood up."What the hell is this?"

"See? You're in the midst of demons, vampires and both or even more."Isosceles told her."At least be glad you were saved from being almost raped by a demon."

"What?"Leila said to herself.

"Am I lying?"She shouted." If it weren't for my Ezra, you would have had a demon's child."

Kayla just bowed her head and it said it all.
Leila who did not know just looked at her with tears in her eyes.
So that was why she was like that.

And Zenith,he was as speechless as ever. To him,any mere human being would have ended in the psychiatric hospital if he or she were to be in Kayla's shoe.

As for Astha,she was totally shocked. The fact that Kayla would act so normally did not shift her mind to a scene like this.

As for Lucy,she even regretted saying those awful words to her.

"Kayla."Leila calledd and went to hug her."Sorry. Why didn't you tell me?

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