Chapter 103.

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Her parents smiled at her and wondered how this girl Lucy had grown up to the girl she is today


Susan in her office paced up and down thinking about what Edgar had told her sometime ago, about a demon who had saved Leila.

She contemplated on who that demon was.

Was it Zenith or Ezra?

But her instincts told her it was Zenith.
How he pushed himself towards Leila was one thing and also what Kayla had told her on their way to the spa was another.

If it was Zenith,then all relationship between he and Leila would have to be eliminated,even if they have to go to Africa.


"How will you get that mortal to me?"Elias asked.

"Just trust me."Petra replied."Every person has someone close to him or her."


Kayla climbed the stairs heading to her room when she stopped all of a sudden.

"And also if Zenith comes here, please lower your voices."

"Alright."Leila replied and just stared at her.
Upon what she did to her, Kayla decided to forget it and go on with her life and that was what Leila has always learnt from her.

And with that she went to her door and closed it.


"He wants to rule the physical realm."Leinali said.

"But all who try always end up in the second realm."Zenith continued."It's as if that realm is being protected by someone."

"Of course it is and no one crosses his path."

As they discussed, someone majestically materialized into the room.

Upon hearing the footsteps they all turned to where it was coming from.

They rushed to see and was surprised and relieved to see who it was.

"Asia."Leinali said and came to her.

"Enchantress."She greeted."You called."

"You have to help. Edgar wants to rule the physical realm and Getra. He even has a plan for Leila."

"About that is she still here?"Asia asked.

"No."She replied."But I have something to show to you."

There she showed the map to her and indicated the hebrew words.

Asia who was watching the map saw the look on Zenith's face. It did not look quite inviting and she could tell.
He was far from present.

"I think you all will like to see this person."

And with that he came in and that shocked Leinali.

She said with tears in her eyes and hugged him."My son."

"Yes mother I'm here."

Leinali really missed her son very well.
Ever since Noah died,she sent her son  to Elvelenar  such that he would not go through the pain she had once went through.

He was just a kid.

"You came. But.....I told you to...."

"I couldn't help staying there."He said."I need to see my mother."

They them broke the hug and conversed about how Elvelenar was.

But Zenith broke the conversation and drifted their minds to what they were talking about.

"This guy again. The same as always."July said as he stared at him.

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