Chapter 41

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"Leinali?"Kayla knocked."It's been two weeks now."

"Oh. Yes come in."

Obediently,she came in and Leinali motioned her to sit.

"You remembered."She said."That's great."

" what's the big surprise here?"

"You will be my eyes and ears."Leinali said."I want you to blend yourself with other people."

"What do you mean?"

"There will be a party here and the silver-haired man, Edgar,the one who took your mother will be there."

"And......"Kayla said.

"The party is a plan and I want you to go close to him. Let him know he can believe you . This is the only way your mother will be out of this."

The expression on Kayla's face told Leinali she would not do it.
She nodding her head in disagreement verified.

"But he's a demon right? And I don't befriend demons."

"I understand you."Leinali said and held her hand."You can do this that's why I called you. You doing this will make your mom proud of you and it is a risky but a great opportunity to try it out."

"Yes."Kayla replied."I will do it."

"Take this."She said."It's an invitation card and give this to any guest you see even the people your heart tells they are demons."


"They will be his eyes and ears and any information you say about the party especially will go to him. So tell everyone about the upcoming party."

"I will."Kayla said and stood up holding the cards and headed to the door." I will with all due respects...Leinali...."

Slowly and majestically, Kayla headed out.


As Leila paced in her room a warm soothing wind blew pass her.
It might have come from the window. With that idea,she went to have a look.

There were people celebrating their love for each other and that crept a smile on her face.

The people looked at her from above and smiled.
In reply, Leila smiled and waved at them.

She went out of her room and headed to see Zenith.

Where ever he was,she would search for him.
Finally,she saw him at the hallway, staring at a painting of a man and a woman holding their hands and staring at themselves in love.

She went towards him and tapped his shoulder." Watching paintings eh?"

"No."He said."These are my parents and this is more than a painting to me."

"Your mom is beautiful."She said."Where is she?I've not been seeing her lately."

"She's......she's dead."He said and took his gaze of the painting."I was young by then and I did not have anyone to love me until my aunt Leinali treated me with the motherly love."

"Sorry.... It is really painful to loose your loved one."Leila said."My dad died when I was seven. It's been fifteen years now."

"I'm..."He said remembering the picture he had seen."I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Let's stop reminding ourselves of the pain we have had some years ago and continue the fighting techniques okay?"

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