Chapter 50

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"Well....I will tell you if I can see that I can put my trust in you."

"Edgar."She said."Try me."

Kayla said and used the vase to hit the mirror, breaking it into pieces.

The others had heard it and immediately ran to her room.

When Kayla had heard some footsteps approaching her room,she quickly hid under the bed.

They came inside,stunned to see what they just saw.
This girl has just broken someone's mirror.
Just think of the trouble she would be into.

"Kayla."Leila shouted as she roamed around the room.

"Where could she be?"Lucy asked a but angry."For once she should grow up. She's acting like a child."

"Lucy."Astha stopped her."What if Kayla is here. She would be really hurt to see you saying that about her."

"But she's right."Zenith said."Her sister is too childish to do anything good."

"Don't say that."Leila said."She can be troublesome but she's not like that. It was when mom was taken that made things harder for her especially."

Not knowing, Kayla who was under the bed, almost cried as she listened to them. At least she had Astha who was good to her.

Of course she was troublesome and annoying too and no one would say any good thing about her and that alone made her worse.

She could not bear it anymore so she stood up as they all stared at her.

"I'm childish?"She angrily said."Do you even know me?"

"Kayla it's enough."Lucy stopped her."You're making things worse now."

"And you Lucy when did you ever start talking to me? You are not my friend and none of you are. You always made my life a living hell and now you're saying ill things of me?"

"It's not that"Leila corrected and went to her sister and gently held her shoulder."They don't see the real you."

Quickly she pulled her hand away."Yeah. I know and no one will see the real me. They only judge things because of the way they look."

She then looked at Zenith who seemed regretful saying that and quickly she went out of the room followed by Ezra, Leinali,and the rest one by one.

Now it has been verified in Kayla's mind. She will bring Leila to Edgar.

It's been a while and Kayla avoids everyone.
At least they know she's fine.

The decoration for the party continues making everyone busy.
It was Kayla's goal to first bring Leila and later get the hell out of there.

Leila who had been busy decided to take a rest.
So she sat on the staircase thinking of Kayla until Zenith saw her and sat beside her.

"Am I that annoying?"She asked.

"No you're not. You're just trying to mend things together."

"But what if....."

"Don't stress yourself. You will only make things worse."He said."You only try to make things better and if she doesn't see that then she doesn't see you."

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