Chapter 118.

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All that was left was the other side of her.
The anger,the revenge and regret.

She tried to calm herself down but it did not work.

She did not want the rest of them to know about anything relating to her.

She told Leinali she would help find the meaning of the word.

So with that in her mind,she headed to Vail.

Gladly he was in the library using all he could get to find the meaning.

"Perhaps I can help find it."She told him.

"Of course."He said.

She took a careful look at the words and searched for its meaning.

The translator only gave out the English word and that confused them all.

"Each one is a phonetic alphabet."She told him.

They gathered the words and searched its meaning together.

It was now there. The meaning was found and that surprised them.

"Sagittarius."They said.

"Why?"She asked."How?"

"It is one of the most powerful zodiac sign but dangerous."Vail said and noticed there were more of the hebrew words.

With time,they searched each one and finally they were done.

"Leo, Scorpio, Aries,Taurus and Capricorn."Leila continued."But aren't they the most powerful ones?"

"Yes they are."

"Well done."Vail said."Enchantress Leinali will be glad to hear that."

And with that he went.

"Enchantress....."She said to herself."She's not even human."


Vail and Leinali discussed about the meaning of the words and indeed, Leinali was really glad to hear that.
At least it removed some stress from her.


Kayla sat down with her head on the table.
There she watched the view in front of her.

"How are you?"Ezra asked and sat beside her.

"Fine."She replied and raised her head up."I should be the one asking you. How did I end up here and what happened?"

"There's no need to ask that question. Elias is already dead."He told her."He will never come to bother you again."

That made her mood cheer up."So you killed him to save me. Thanks for that."

With that,she hugged him.

"Anything for you Kayla."

"Thanks for letting us stay here."

"No needs to say that."Marasha said."At least I'm glad to help good people like you."

"Take this."Her mother said."Its some food you will need on your way back."

They accepted it and with a smile on their faces,they made their way out.


In the forest......

"So indeed they were friendly."Asia said.

That made Zenith laugh.

"How about we continue our journey and stop talking. Why you want to go back?"July teased.

"Hey. Watch it and stop laughing Zenith."

But he didn't mind he kept on laughing and laughing.


Leinali after hearing the good news,headed to see Leila.

"Well done Leila."She told her."You've helped us indeed."

"It's nothing Leinali."She said.

"Have some rest. Once Ezra is back with Kayla and everything is fine,you all can go back."

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