Chapter 9

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"Is there any funeral I know nothing of?"

Seeing that there was no car ready to take her home,she started walking.

As she walked,a dark figure passed in the woods.
She turned to see who or what it was but saw nothing.

She thought it might be a deer so she put it at the back of her mind and continued walking.

She saw the same figure everytime she decided to walk.
It wasn't normal and to her,if she'd still stay here,then it would be her funeral.

Back home.....

Susan became worried and decided to call her daughters but none of them picked up.
She was now worried of Kayla.

She knew that this girl would not come home but she not here up to this time made her worry.

And Leila,who would sometimes put herself in danger was another thing to worry about.

"Please pick up."She called but Leila did not.
"Oh no."She wailed."The time."

She quickly checked the time on the phone and began to fear for them.

Hurriedly, Susan drove her car to the church as she hoped to see Leila there.

As a mother you must love all your children and you must do anything possible for them to love you back.

Some might be a pain in the neck but with patience, you will see the benefit of them all.

Susan was more focused on Leila mostly than Kayla. Yeah I understand.

Leila witnessed her father's death at such a young age and she needed to be counselled carefully.

Her mother was the only one who would believe her about the way her father died.

But Kayla who grew up with no emotions was another.

She always hid her true self and made it clear that this was her new self.

So Susan thought that she can defend herself forgetting that she was the last born.

Everything has its consequences and our actions makes it.
So analyze the situation well and make good judgements.

Finally she reached the church and saw Leila there who knew nothing to do.

"Mom."She screamed when she saw her.

"Leila."Susan got down and hugged her." Now let's go and hurry."

They turned and saw the one who had passed there.
And its appearance alone will give you a heart attack.

He looked pale and his eyes were dark.
He had a long silvery hair and wore a black attire.
Quickly,he looked at Leila and gave her a wicked smile.

Slowly Susan held her hand and pulled her back.

"Where do you think you all are going?"He went and pulled Leila from Susan.

"She's your daughter and you did not tell her did you?"he said coldly.

Susan saw the fear in Leila's eyes as she tried to free herself.

"Please leave her alone."Susan begged."We are near a church please."

"And do you think I care?"He shouted."Do you think I care about this?"He pointed.
"You humans killed our kind and I am here to punish those who cross my path."

He pressed Leila's hand and blood oozed from it.

"I'm sorry please leave her alone."

Her statement alone made him laugh.

"The deal was that your kind will wonder during the day and my kind will wonder during the night and any human will die if we see him or her."

"Leave me alone."Leila begged as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry."He held her hair and wiped her tears."I have to kill you."

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