'Someone To Help You'

Start from the beginning

He sighed and then went back upstairs to his room in order to take a bath.

Betty was reading a fairytale to Edmund who was finally sleeping , she made her way outside without making a single sound.

Then headed towards Elmer's room , she knocked the door then walked in.

Prince Elmer was drying his hair as he welcomed her.


"May I help you ?"

The maid wondered/

"I think I am getting better at this"

He smiled replying.

She wondered if Louis told him about the twin or not , she was going to tell him but he looked so tired and so she decided to only help him dry his hair and leave those words to another day.

''Stop skipping your meals my prince''

Betty complained.

Even though Asher and Ezra always remember to get some food before leaving the palace in order to have some while in the woods , they still both properly eat their breakfast and dinner.

But the prince tended to forget about it and skips dinner every time.

''I will eat more I promise you so please do not worry''

Elmer sincerely said.

''If you say so''

Betty smiled replying.

"Good night Betty"

The prince said once she walked towards the door willing to leave.

"Have a good night as well my prince"

She replied before stepping outside of his room and closed the door behind her.

That night was so quiet in Ospria's streets , as if everyone was in a deep sleep.

There was a light coming from the inside of that one house.

Someone in that small room was unable to sleep in the darkness and so he left the lamp oil on in hopes he might get some sleep.

Hiram once went to visit Ospria way before his tragic death.

He was only a seventeen years old prince that loved the people and small villages.

While he was wondering around , one of the street thieves who was a little boy tried to steal from him not knowing that he was a prince.

Yet one of the guards caught him right away and was about to hit him but Hiram did not allow it.

"He is just a child"

He said as his hand reached to help the boy stand up.

Something moved inside that little boy , he had never experienced such an act of kindness before.

Hiram then asked,

"What is your name ?"

But the child had no name since he was abandoned long ago , he even ran away after someone who sold him in the market , he had a soul longing for freedom but his reality was not allowing it.

There was something in his eyes a sparkle that the prince would have gave his all to keep it alive.

"Come with me"

Hiram said as he still held the child's hand he then took him to the palace , and raised him himself , taught him manners , archery , swordplay , he even gave him a name.


Hawk got up from that dream to find that the long night came to an end and he had to keep moving.

It was going to take him few days to reach Orios which is the most guarded city in Lydia because it has bonders with Petra.

He still had no idea how he was going to simply reach Petra but he only had to keep going for now.

Elmer found himself in the library with Ezra which bought him back to the past three months and how fast they went by but he still asked,

"Why are we here ?"

"Because we do not want Leo to suspect anything , did Louis not ask you to keep doing the same things ?"

Ezra replied.

"But I know everything about Lydia and the other kingdoms"

The first prince complained.

"You do ?"

Ezra said then added,

"Alright then tell me which of our cities has most golden mines ?"


Elmer replied.

Ezra did not stop there but asked another question immediately.

"And spices"


The prince replied.

"And what's our commercial capital ?"

The dark haired night asked.


And just like that Ezra kept checking Elmer's knowledge that was definitely on a another level from the Elmer who saw Lydia's map for the first time , he was changing.

Ida walked into Marion's room and did not find her so she went downstairs to their usual spot looking for her to let her know that Elmer the first was willing to help her get out of that hell...

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