''Are we leaving ?''

She asked.

''Not yet , we will wait for Elmer''

Elina replied while putting her earrings on in front of the mirror.

The little princess got up as well and washed up to change her clothes.

They then decided to head downstairs where their parents were sitting alone in the back garden.

''What shall we do ?''

Morris asked.

''I would trust your decision''

Ethel smiled replying.

As it seemed like Morris was thinking of taking Elmer's side and actually supporting him somehow to become the next king.

''Let's go back inside , it is getting cold''

Said Morris.

He put his light blue coat on his wife as they walked side by side back to the guest's living room.

Ezra was walking near the gate making sure no one just slips in since a lot of guests were leaving and the gates has been opening and closing since yesterday morning.

He was checking every carriage and every person especially now that Petra has been involved.

Those people would destroy Lydia in a day if their king makes the order.

While he was at it , he saw Asher and Elmer coming back from afar.

He was not expecting them to come back so soon and that made him wonder if something went wrong.

They stepped inside heading towards the stable leaving the other guards and knights behind them.

Once Elmer jumped off Silas Ezra approached them asking,

''Why did you return so early ?''

''Louis's orders''

The first prince simply replied then added,

''I have to go now , please take care of Silas''

As he walked away from the two knights.

Asher's face was so restless and even though he does not say much it was so obvious that he hates the way they are putting their trust into Louis , especially Elmer who was following all of his orders with no doubts.

''You do not have to trust Louis , just trust Elmer''

Ezra said trying to get rid of his friend's worries who was surprised that he was too easy to read as he replied,

''I said nothing''

Morris was playing the piano and Ethel was all ears especially that those were her favorite symphonies.

Elina and Marina were sitting next to each other talking about how sad it Was that they had to leave so early.

Arthur was as expressionless as ever just standing behind them , doing nothing but staring at the princess.

The door was knocked and then Elmer walked in , he smiled brightly as he greeted,

''Good afternoon , I am sorry for being late''

Morris stopped playing as he turned to face the first prince just like everyone else in the room.

''That's alright , please take a seat''

The Lord replied.

Elmer sat down.

Arthur and the two princess were asked to move into the other side of the room since the adults were going to talk.

Elmer found himself between those two , Morris and Ethel.

He was a little bit nervous but just had to take a deep breath and then started repeating every single word Louis asked him to say.

''I would like to apologize on the behalf of my uncle , it was not very wise of him to suddenly announce something that we have not discussed yet , I really had no idea as well and I hope you believe me''

Louis was behind that door , eavesdropping and making sure that no one else does so.

''It is alright , I say we forget last night , right dear ?''

Said Morris as he stared at his beloved Ethel asking her to confirm what he just said.

''We do not blame you Elmer , you are like my own son''

She softly smiled replying.


Morris said and sounded so serious then added,

''If you ever need help in anything just remember that you have us''

''I really appreciate you ...''

Before Elmer was able to finish his sentence Morris interrupted...

''Even if you want to end the current king , I would not hesitating helping you''

The first prince was speechless at the warmth of those two who were willing to support him in the war that he was willing to start.

Once Louis heard those words he felt that his mission there came to an end and immediately walked away.

After that serious conversation Lord Morris and his family left the palace.

Leaving all of their hopes behind into the first prince's hands.

Elmer Kalos was so happy with his first powerful ally while Louis saw that as a tiny step of what was coming next...

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