"What?" Melinoe asked. "That's- that's impossible!"

"She's right," Macaria said. "The monsters can never rally together. The empousai have an eternal feud with the gryphons, and the Titans-"

"Yes, apparently they've forgotten it for the time being," Thanatos said. "Mother said that she was trying to stop them, but her influence cannot extend beyond the River Acheron without help from any other god who is not related to the darkness."

"Hmmm," Dad hummed. "Perhaps I can help."

"Dad," I rolled my eyes. "You're the god of death. You are the definition of dark to many."

"Hmmm," Dad hummed again. "Nico is right."

Now it was Persephone's turn to roll her eyes. "Of course he is," she said through gritted teeth.

I walked around the court in deep thought. "You say Zeus is totally not interested in talking with you?" I asked Dad.

"Absolutely," Dad nodded. "I asked for a presence in front of him at Olympus- he immediately declined. Apparently he's still on revels for defeating Gaea."

"Typical," Melinoe, Macaria and I said together.

"What about other gods?" I asked, trying not to laugh. "Poseidon? Athena?"

"They're facing problems of their own," Dad said. "Poseidon claims that the Earth is shaking without him actually not controlling the earthquakes, and the seas are stirring stories about greater war on the rise. Athena is still searching for her daughter- Ariana, was it? Yes, she's still searching. And Ares is busy concocting wars all around... that recent clash between.. two countries.. can't remember- that was him. Basically, you get the idea."

"And of course, Hera is still trying to get Dad out of his celebration mood," Persephone sighed. "He didn't say hello to me when I met him last time!"

"Oh dear," Dad said, his face full of pity. He turned his full attention towards her. "I'm sure that was infuriating."

"Yes it was! Usually he lets me-"

I cleared my throat. "Back to business, if you please," I said. "Tartarus is taking souls from the Fields of Asphodel."

Dad snapped back to me. "Yes, yes, correct. What do we do?" he asked, his eyes full of sorrow.

"That's the question," Melinoe said. "Thanatos? Do you have any ideas?"

Thanatos seemed to think for a minute. 

"What even is Zeus doing?" Macaria said through gritted teeth. "He's the king, and he can't- ugh!"

"We don't have time to scold Zeus," I said. "We probably have like two weeks until Tartarus takes away every single soul here, including the ones in the Isles of Blest."

"All the more reason for an emergency meeting!" Melinoe said. "If we can't save any of the spirits- they will burn out in Tartarus... there will be none left-"

But the rest of Melinoe's words were interrupted by a loud hum. All of us dug our fingers into our ears to block the sound away. 

Tartarus was pulling in more spirits.

I looked out the window, as the souls, glowing grey and white flew from Elysium and the Fields of Asphodel unwillingly into the deep pit that led to Tartarus.

It was too late, I confirmed.

As soon as the spirits had stopped being pulled in, I removed my fingers from my ears. 

"It's too late," Thanatos spoke my thoughts. "We have no choice but to bend to his will."

Dad slumped. "What?"

"We open the Doors of Death," I said.

Dad's already bad looking stature went to worse. His hair greyed instantly. He slouched grumpily. Mind you, he still looked pretty handsome, but just older. Wrinkles surrounded his eyes although he never smiled.

Persephone frowned. "Dear, are you-"

"Dad, he's right," Macaria interrupted Persephone, standing up. "There's no chance we defeat Tartarus in two days."

"I hate to say this as well," Melinoe said, "but I agree with Nico."

I was shocked. Melinoe and I never agreed on things.

"We have to open the Doors of Death," I said decidedly. "As soon as we can. We cannot risk any more spirits."

Dad stared at the three of us for two whole minutes. 

Then he nodded. "Thanatos," he said.

"Yes, sire," Thanatos stood with his fingers interlocking in front of him. 

"Prepare the Doors of Death," Dad ordered. "We open them today."

"T-today?" Thanatos stuttered.

"Yes, today."

"Where?" Thanatos straightened up, realizing how serious Dad was at that moment.

Dad turned to me. 

I thought about it for a moment. "From Tartarus to.... London. Less casualties for the time being. We need to tell Camp Jupiter and Camp Half Blood to get ready in the meanwhile. It will take them a week to get prepared for war... the monsters can take all their time to swim through the water to the States."

Melinoe nodded. "Smart choice."

"Thanks," I said, smiling. "I never thought you'd agree with me."

"I didn't either."


We were standing at the entrance to the Doors of the Death that evening. 

"It's a red barn door," I repeated, thunderstruck.

"In the middle of nowhere," Thanatos smiled. "That's the best part."

"You've got to be kidding me."


"Okay, here goes," Thanatos said, pressing his hand to the door. "Twelve minutes."

A button emerged from the ground out of nowhere. "I'll hold this for twelve minutes. It'll take the monsters the whole time to pass in and out."

"Okay," I nodded, my sword at the ready.

"Doesn't someone have to like, hit the button on the other side?" I said, remembering the last time.

"That was when I wasn't operating it," Thanatos said. "But who's operating the lift now?"



Dad was wearing his helmet of terror and his sword was raised as well. 

"Two minutes," Thanatos said.

Time passed as we waited in the empty field lands, all staring at the red door silently, awaiting assault.

"Five.... four... three... two..." Thanatos finally took a deep breath.



I think that's a nice cliffhanger. 

Chaos Rising |BOOK 2| Harry Potter x PJO |Alexandra Marine|Where stories live. Discover now