''Betty let us help you''

Said Ren

''We can take this plate to The prince's room''

Added Reina

Betty smiled replying ''No , because he is a little ill so I don't want you two to bother him , I will go by myself , you have not eaten yet right ? help yourself while I go''

She left then walking towards Elmer's room , making sure that they did not suspect anything or follow her.

Betty was a little bit worried since she did not get to see the first prince since yesterday's morning , he came back from the so called hunting trip very late at night.

She knocked the door and walked it to find Elmer standing in front of the mirror , he was as usual dressed up but his hands and face were covered in cuts.

''What happened to you ?''

Betty with a worried tone.

''I fell off Silas last night , but I'm alright do not worry''

He simply replied as if he knew she would worry and already planned what to tell her and then added...

''What do we have here ? I'm starving Betty''

He does not usually eat much which got her a little bit less worried as she replied.

''Your favorite soup , Please eat well My prince''

Betty as she placed those plates on the table , then Elmer took a seat and started eating.

''So delicious ! you really are amazing''

He complimented after tasting the food.

Inside the second prince's room Aylin made it through the window as he was still sleeping , she did not know if she should wake him up or not but she decided to wonder around his room.

It was so much bigger than hers and had many books which got her really impressed as she picked one of them and started turning those pages.

But she could not really understand that book because the words were very complicated that even a Lydian might not know their meaning.

Louis opened his eyes ones he felt a strange movement in his room to see Aylin standing in the corner trying to read that book.

He was less surprised this time

''How long have you been here ?''

Was the first thing he asked but then he I added

''On a second thought I do not want to know''

The second prince was very surprised , how did he not sense her presence.

'Thinking if it now while walking she does not make a sound at all'

He did not say a thing about it but Aylin knew that he was annoyed by her.

Elmer and Betty heard a knocking on the door and then both Louis and Aylin walked in.

''Good morning''

Aylin said

Elmer smiled at her replying

''Good morning Aylin''

Then turned towards Betty

''Could you please fix her hair and dye it or something , silver is too obvious if she wants to stay here''

Betty did not ask anything but replied

''Alright , can you please wait for me here , I will go get some stuff''

''I am going to shower , keep your eyes on her''

Said Louis as he followed Betty out as well.

''So this is your room''

Aylin loved Elmer's room , even though it was not that different from Louis's but there was more flower vases and more easy to understand books for her.

''Feel free to borrow any of these books''

Said Elmer as he was still eating then added

''Have you eaten ?''

''Yes , I have''

She replied while her eyes gazed that one book

''Can I borrow this one ?''

Aylin said

Elmer turned to see that she chose one of Edmund's favorite bedtime stories and the replied...

''For sure''

Betty finally came back and put all the stuff in front of her and then she asked

''What color do you want , I only have black and red''

Both Elmer and Betty expected her to chose black but she is so unpredictable.


So they both asked at the same time

''Red ? why red ?''

And she simply replied

''Like Asher''

She was very happy of how much the new hair color resembled Asher's , even though tall silver was great on her , short red was beautiful as well.

After Betty dried her hair and brushed it for her , Louis walked in all dressed up this time

''Aylin , let's go''...

The Good KingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin