'Careful With Who To Trust'

Start from the beginning

''You really are trying to kill me''

Said Elmer who finally was able to get some rest after hours of training , his clothes were a mess and he had many cuts all over his body , he was running out of breath and so he leaned on that huge tree.

The nature's sounds were so comforting and calm that he immediately fell asleep , and Asher felt bad for waking him up and decided to call it a day and to let him rest for a while before they head back to the palace.

''So what brings you here my dear prince ?''

Asked Ivor as he was facing Louis who hasn't said a thing yet , but not to worry since it was a mind's game he knew he can do a lot more than the king's advisor.

''I heard you lying to my father''

Even though deep inside Louis hated what he just called the king very much but he still had to make sure Ivor believes that he cares about Leo.

Those words got Ivor's hand a little bit shaking , he was not sure if Louis heard them or not but now he is facing the truth and does not know how to face it at all.

''I wonder what would he do when he realizes he has been putting all of his trust into a liar''

Lying is a sin but lying to Leo is like throwing yourself into hell and Ivor knows that better than anyone , he was just a little too tired to deny it or try to come up with something yet he could not believe how messed up the situation he was put in was.

''What can I do for you prince Louis ?''

Ivor asked , hoping he can still save himself.

''I want you...''

The second prince was about to open his room's door but he sensed something weird , someone was inside the room , he did not know who it was but he felt relived that he hid his notebooks and maps somewhere else.

He opened the door slowly and once he walked in he found a girl sitting by the window watching the sunset , it was his first time seeing someone with a silver hair , Aylin looked like an angel.

''Who are you ?''

Louis asked while still standing by the door, Aylin started walking towards him then she said,

''Ezra asked me to wait for him here , are you a prince ?''

She asked in curiosity since she has never met one but Asher read many stories to her that had a strong prince who would save the princess , but Louis did not match what she had in mind.


He replied

''But you look like I would save you''

She said as she knew for fact that he has no physical strength.

Louis did not understand a thing and could not wait for Ezra to knock that door and come in to explain everything to him.

''My name is Aylin''

She said as her eyes sparkled which made him feel the need to introduce himself as well.

''I'm Louis''

The prince replied.

Right after that she walked closer and hugged him , the second prince was too stunned to speak or move until Ezra knocked the door and walked in , he laughed once he saw Louis's expression as if he was dying inside.

''Aylin you can not hug strangers''

Ezra said as she let go of Louis and walked towards him replying,

''But he told me his name just now''

''Alright alright''

The dark haired knight just had to give up while Louis was shocked by Aylin's actions.

''So what do you think ?''

Ezra asked the second prince just to tease him , since Elmer keeps going on and on about how smart his cousin is , he wanted to see for himself but he got an unexpected answer.

''She acts more like Edmund even though she looks much older , she's seventeen maybe and she has an accent , from her hair color that looks so natural she can not be a Lydian , silver hair means she's weather from Petra or Neos but since Petra's king suddenly sent us an invitation I would guess she's a Petrian and she has something to do with it''

Ezra stood there in shock for few seconds before he asked

''How do you know about the invitation ?''

''I don't feel like revealing my plan just yet''

He simply replied then walked towards the window and closed it before he asked

''So who is she ?''

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