'First Day Of Learning'

Start from the beginning

''Good morning Betty , I bet you are impressed''

He said as he helped himself getting an apple and took a bite of it.

''Thank you for breakfast I need to go''

And didn't even give her time to reply because he rushed out of his room as she smiled brightly,

''I think he will be fine'' then started her cleaning.

In one of the palaces rooms , she was sitting alone playing chess by herself in the dark before she got up , walked towards that small window as she watched that golden haired prince running through the back garden heading to meet those two knights so early in the morning , she kept watching him for a while before she spoke,

''My favorite chess piece , I can not wait to meet you again''

''Good morning''

Said Elmer and they both greeted him back with a smile , they did not expect him to be so excited or to make it on the right time yet he did , Elmer was not even aware himself of what was going on with him , he is changing.

''What are we doing here ?''

Asked the first prince as he looked around to find out that they led him to the library.

Asher replied ''To read , why else would we be here ?''

Ezra let out a laugh at Elmer's expression that showed how unexpected that was,

''Don't tell me you thought we will start by the swordplay ? you can not even hold a sword properly''

Which got Elmer to mumble ''That's why I asked you to teach me''

As the two kept on attacking each other with words , Asher came back holding few books and interrupted them,

''Shut up both of you''

Then put everything on one of the tables , started turning the pages of that book then stopped at a map's drawing,

''Now here's Lydia''

Elmer was speechless  it was really his first time seeing his kingdom's map , and it was big that he felt hurt about only seeing the palace and the forest next to it , he kept staring , not being able to say a word , but Asher felt Elmer's anger and sadness , so he patted his back and said...

''It will be alright''

Ezra too smiled comforting ''Don't worry Elmer , I will give you all my knowledge''

Which really helped and cheered him up.

The little prince Edmund was wondering around the palace looking for Elmer yet he couldn't find him anywhere , which got him to feel so down that he almost started crying until she showed up out of nowhere and handed him that red rose with a soft smile that wasn't able to hide her dead eyes and broken soul , Edmund smiled back not being able to see through that angel like female that was wearing a purple dress with a collar on her neck which showed that she is a king's property but a nine years old child would never be able to tell.

Edmund took that rose from her hand

''Thank you''

He said while blushing , and she patted his hair gently before she finally spoke...

''My pleasure prince Edmund''

Then she walked towards the library , meaning to meet her favorite chess piece.

Elmer learned many new things about the kingdom , Asher asked him to read many books after giving him an introduction then left him there alone to keep reading and the thing is that he was really enjoying himself , the Lydia in those pages was just so magical to be real.

''.... the most thriving kingdom of all times , gold mines everywhere , all kinds of pearls and sea food since it's right by the ocean ...''

He focused on each word and lost track of time.

''Do you really think he will be able to do it ?''

Ezra wondered while walking right by Asher's side on the hallway,

''I do not know''

He simply replied though the look in his eyes said something else , he was confident , he would bet on his life that the fist prince will one day be king , Ezra got it and smiled before they parted ways and the red haired knight decided to go back home since it has been over ten days since he last visited , and there's someone waiting for him there.

It got dark outside , Betty was already reading Edmund a bedtime story , Louis was with his belly dancers , watching them but his mind , soul and heart were definitely not present which really got them to worry about him , he's never touched one of them or harmed them in anyway , it's like he just pick them to protect them from his father , just like Elmer but each of them has his own way.

''I am hungry''

The first prince sighed before he decided to put an end to it...

''I think this much is enough for today''

Then he stood up and walked through the library corridors he noticed that old book between those endless shelves and with no second thought he held it tight into his chest , it was the same book Hiram read to him every single night.

''I really miss you''

He said with a broken voice , he felt both sadness and happiness at the same time , of course he decided to keep the book that means so much to him and to the previous King yet as he walked out of there and right by the door he bumped into her which caused her fall on the ground...

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