page 46, flight

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sunoo finally cleared that pile of ice cream and it's about time he should go to the airport, feeling that thick layers of emotions rushing back he just ignored it and whipped his sticky hands from the dripping mint chocolate.

"come on let's go sunoo.." sunghoon gestured him to go together. as much as sunghoon wants to intertwine his hands with sunoo, he had to remind himself that they are in public.

as they enter a quieter route towards the van, sunoo let out a sigh feeling a bit upset that he has to go through that flight and to the hospital alone. "hey sunoo you should stop sighing.." sunghoon finally let his hands intertwine with sunoos.

as sunoo took a deep breath and focused on the hands that are intertwined, he felt more relieved. "honestly.. i'm scared to face my parents.. they didn't really visited me or have any communications with me until today.." sunoo looked down.

sunghoon tightened the grip on his hands, "don't worry so much about this, you never know after this long period if they changed themselves, look at the bright side, people don't have the same personality, like.. in the past you were always so fulled of worried, look at you now more relaxed, you were even more extroverted than in the past, don't you see?" he softened his gaze.

"how do you know so muc-" sunoo frozed and widened his eyes. before sunoo could continue, sunghoon brought up their intertwined hands giving a peck, "don't worry about this, just focus on ways to lift up your mood on your flight, remember to text me when you are entering and exiting the flight alright?" as much as sunghoon is busy he still believes that he needs to make sure sunoo is safe.

sunoo wanted to say something, parting his lips, he takes back what he wants to say, closing it and giving a smile that allows sunghoon to see those crescents in his eyes.

as they hopped in the van for the nth time, their hands found their way back to interwining again. glancing and smiling at each other they decided to focus on the view.

slowly sunoo found his eyelids getting heavy, he decides to shut his eyes enjoying this non bumpy ride with a comforting thumb rubbing his hands in circles allowing him to relax himself.

"we arrived sunoo.." sunghoon tapped sunoos arm. waking up feeling dazed, he found himself lying on sunghoons shoulder. "oh.. we are already at the airport..?" sunoo looked disappointed, he wanted this moment to last longer. as he exhales, he grabbed his bag, "please help me tell jihoon that i am at new york and i will text him if i can't make it during the start of the term." sunoo pouted, he waved and bowed at the manager for hanging there for hours to drive them to their destination.

there's still a long night ahead for sunoo.

as he stepped into terminal three, he finally looked at himself in his phone reflection, finally looking at the battery percentage, he gasped, it's draining. he went looking for a charging station to charge his phone before he is cut off from communication.

"phew.." he found a empty charging port station, nearby there's a coffee station, he does feel tired and need some treats, thinking whether he should risk leaving his phone here or not, he just stuff his bag to hide it and run to grab some coffee.

after a couple of minutes, sunoo dashed back with his warm coffee in his hands, thank god no one touched his belongings. as he checked his phone battery, he thank lord this is a strong charging port. he started scrolling videos to sip his coffee meanwhile.

a couple of minutes past, feeling a bit bored from the same exact videos from the new debut group that debuted from a new survival show called heeland. he decided to search up sunghoons name to see what his fan edit of him. sunoo eyes widened with the amount of search results he got, his hashtag even got billions of views.

feeling curious he decided to tap on the top of the edit, the edit consisted of sunghoon doing triple axel as years goes by. sunoo was impressed as he raised his eyebrows, he didn't know that the person he has always been normally talking to and having a crush on be so talented.

as he scrolled and scrolled his percentage finally reached to its fullest and his flight was soon. he approached the gate and showed his ticket, the security let him in like he was some royalty, weird.

as sunoo finally enters his flight he was assisted by flight attendants to first class seats, as sunoo lays back his head on the comfy cushion seat, "this is going to be a long 14 hours flight.." he thought. scratching his head, he feels like he is forgetting something, "oh right! i need to text sunghoon that i am on the plane.. let me take a selfie." sunoo happily thought of how sunghoon might be surprised at the sudden selca.

sunoo took a snap shot, the pilot then announced that the plane is going to take off and phone should be on airplane mode, he quickly clicked on sunghoons contacts and sent him the surprise. as he switched his phone to airplane mode, sunghoon on the other side was rolling around his bed at how adorable sunoo looked in the photo.

on the other hand, he also wishes sunoo to have a safe flight and everything to be alright with his family.

a/n: blasting songs rn

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