page 29, let's do this

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"argh.." as jay slowly wakes up to he rubbed his eyes and immediately checked his phone. there it was, that one message that he had been waiting for. he immediately clicked and there was it. the paragraph which leads to the answer if he succeeded or not.


sorry for the very late

message TT but

alright, i thought about it

but, i think it's just too fast to go

to.. dating mode, we just met a few weeks

ago can we still remain as friends and slowly

build instead?? i swear im not rejecting you

im just not sure of my feelings yet.. :(

jay sighed with a bit of disappointment, it wasn't the best response but it also wasn't the worst. jay decided he will take this as a opportunity and make sure that they both can feel the same towards each other.

aw okay don't worry have

a great rest yeah?

as jay send he plops back down on his bed. feeling that the heavy feeling from his heart is gone, he decided to scroll through his other notifications, then suddenly he saw another attachment sent from sunghoon. it was a picture of sunoo focused on applying his product without even realising that someone behind was taking a picture of him.. sunghoon then added on typing "hehehe don't tell him that i took this picture of him." jay gave a laughing reaction in response and off his phone and went to did his business. meanwhile he was thinking, how did they get so close..?


4 days ago..

"okay guys here are the details, make sure to go downstairs on time or the car will be ditching you." minjun half jokingly texted. the rest of them reacted to the message with different emoticon. the sky was getting brighter as the sun slowly rise, as a few more minutes past sunoo was already downstairs with his bag waiting for a taxi with the license plate sent. just then a car arrives, minjun and jihoon was waving and sunoo entered with a big bright smile. "omg guys i am so excited!!" minjun clasped her hands together. "ack same here!"

as the taxi started moving and travelling for a while now, they finally arrived to pick up sunghoon. another round of waving with minjun and jihoon were going on and sunghoon immediately got on the car, sunoo pats the seat beside him directing him to sit beside him.

the scenery was beautiful and so was sunoo, he was looking out trying to take pictures for his instagram. "so guys when we arrived at the cabin we need to unpack quick as we need to cook and you know it ain't easy doing that outdoors." minjun directed them like how a mother would do.

as the car slowly stops, they arrived at their stop, it took a moment for them to travel the route connecting to the cabin, "woah! it is so beautiful!" sunoo admired at how the cabin blended well with the nature. they all walked in the cabin and started unpacking just like how they were told just now. as they finished, minjun and jihoon went ahead to find some pieces of wood for a fire place later on.

sunghoon and sunoo are now left in the cabin feeling a little bit awkward. as sunoo wanted to speak, sunghoon accidentally cut in. "great this is more awkward." sunoo thought, sunghoon then said, "you can say whatever you want first." sunoo then nodded and faced himself a little more towards sunghoon and said, "i.. uhhh brought some soju for us, you can drink right?" sunoo tilted his head. sunghoon then pulled a 'uhhh' sound and replied saying, "well not too much is fine."

"i see, so what did you want to say earlier?" sunoo leaned forward slightly. "uhm, i forgot haha.." sunghoon scratched his head slightly. "haha, no worries, by the way let's become more closer yeah? considering how awkward this conversation is.. heh, you know what i mean." sunghoon smiled slightly nodding.


a few minutes has passed, some rustling sounds were heard, turns out minjun and jihoon came back and was placing down the wood. "hey guys we are back.." minjun dragged out her last words as she sees how relaxed the other two was. "ugh, look at yall being lazy, anyways did anyone of yall brought a lighter..? turns out me and jihoon didn't." minjun expression slowly turned into a exhausted one when she sees the other two shaking their head indicating a 'no. as minjun sighs

she heads to the shower room mumbling to herself, "guess we gotta do the hard way.."


"alright guys, so is anyone expert at making a fire with this stick." jihoon shoved the sticks into their faces to show them. sunoo eyes widened in realisation, "i mean i watched this zombie movie called all of us ar-" suddenly minjun cutted in, "i swear, you and your k-dramas, if you know then go ahead and try."

sunoo pouted and grabbed the stick. based on the k-drama, he remembers that they took the stick and place it in between their palms and quickly do it in a washing hands manner. sunoo went to go ahead and give a shot.

a minute past and nothing lit up from that now dented hole. a giggle was heard beside sunoo, "sunghoon, don't you think you are being a little mean right now? if you find it that funny then go ahead and do it instead." sunoo sounded a little to tired and pissed. sunghoon sniffed a little and took over. this time with sunghoon, he seemed more professional and knew how to do it, a few moments later a small fire started and sunghoon started blowing in it.

"woah! i didn't know you were that good! how?" jihoon admired at sunghoon doing. meanwhile, sunoo on the other hand expression like a statue. "well in the past i used to go to camping trips and cooked instant noodles." sunghoon looked into their eyes. minjun started clapping and gave a thumbs up, "you are a certified professional." sunoo gave a little hmph and thought inside his mind, "sunghoon barely did the bare minimum and got praised? how unfair."

a/n: there's much more parts to the camping trip, be excited yurh.. plus the fire part was lowkey inspired by aourd (it was the period when that show was lowkey recent, this book was written a while ago.)

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