page 37, sleeping

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it's night time after a long day of talking and packing, both of them are exhausted from head to toe.

"same bed-?" sunoo and sunghoon said in sync. "haha i guess we both agree that we should share a bed again." sunghoon teased. both of them plopped down onto the bed taking the same spot from yesterday, "today was fun! we got to know each other more." sunoo spoke before turning his head towards sunghoon.

they both held a couple of seconds before they awkwardly looked away, "i'm gonna go off the lights." sunghoon shot up and went flicking the switch.

"goodnight sunghoon!"

"goodnight.." sunghoon smiled.

rise and shine, it's morning and sunghoon clearly didn't get enough sleep with that darker shade of eyebag. well..

last night 2am, sunghoon felt someone hugging onto him, feeling terrified he opened his eyes, luckily it was just sunoo cuddling. cuddling.. nothing special right? wrong. sunoos face was less than an inch away from sunghoon. feeling that the atmosphere is a bit hot sunghoon tried to adjust himself to get some cold air to cool himself down.

but little did he know that little action of his and sudden movements from sunoo cause both of them to be nose to nose. sunghoon gave up and just tried to close his eyes to get some sleep but he couldn't help but open his eyes to admire at how long sunoos eyelashes are, it compliments his foxy eyes so well that sunghoon seemed to not have the intention of letting his eyes wander around and fall asleep.

so there sunghoon was, barely getting enough sleep due to the sleeping beauty infront of him and the uncomfortable position he was all night due to not disturbing sunoo by moving too much. being the patient person he is after all night, he decided to wriggle out of sunoo which surprisingly failed since sunoo cuddled even tighter, guess sunoo is quite a cuddler, sighing in defeat he just let his body relax and admire at the beauty infront.

it took sunghoon a few emotions to get through for sunoo to finally wake up, number 1, dying of cuteness but also because of body pain, number 2, being desperate to stretch and crack his back and whining in discomfort, number 3.. that's all, but sunghoon was desperate to get out of this position.

just like the lucky guy he is, or not, sunoo finally woke up realising the position he is in, feeling embarrassed sunoo apologized multiple times. of course the nice nice park sunghoon gentlemen and completely blinded by love forgotten about the stages of emotions he went through and said that he slept through and didn't even realise.

since they were leaving the cabin today, sunoo decided to let sunghoon shower first for the first time since he wanted to walk around a bit. walking around the room he decided to snap some shots so he will be able to look back at the fun memories. as he checked his shots he scrolled back and saw all the selfies from their cooking and activities. "i'm gonna miss this cabin so much.." sunoo whined to himself.

before sunoo could start feeling off, sunghoon called him from his room, "sunoo! you can go shower now!"

as sunoo finished drying off he stepped out of the shower room to apply his skin care, he believes that he needs to look presentable no matter where he is going.

while he was busy focused on checking if he left any spot unapplied, sunghoon quickly snapped a picture of sunoo and sent it to jay. "hehehe don't tell him that i took this picture of him."

snapping back tor reality, they both got ready to bring their bags out since today was the day they are going to return home after a long trip. they decided to call a taxi once they walk a route connected to the city.

sunoo felt a little sad since the trip was over and wished it lasted longer. lots of fun memories and bonding led him to feeling even more emotional. sunoo sighed and carried his bag as he walked out of the cabin.

this time round jihoon and sunoo sat together while minjun and sunghoon sat at the back, surprisingly the taxi they called turns out to be a van and they were able to sit together in partners.

while sunoo and jihoon were posing for selfies and chit chatting about all the fun they had, minjun and sunghoon were just looking out at the window from their seats feeling a bit awkward from the soju game incident.

"uh.. sunghoon.." minjun broke the silence, "i'm sorry that i spilled your secret.." minjun whispered, she doesn't want to make a mistake into making those in the front to realise what is going on.

sunghoon looked over, "it's.. fine, i believe he don't have a clue on what you are talking about anyways, plus he didn't really mention about it recently.. i guess?" sunghoon shrugged. exhaling a sigh of relief, minjun just nodded and decided to scroll through some enstagram posts.

as she was scrolling she found a post sunoo probably posted recently, it was pictures of them four posing with their food and unglams. to even add on the caption was a long paragraph of him being appreciative of the cabin trip, "how sweet.." minjun thought while liking the post.

minjun could not be grateful enough with the wonderful friends and boyfriend she had fun with during the wonderful trip.

a/n: do you know one part of this story is connected to another early chapter !?!?!?!??!?!?!

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