page 23, feelings

295 11 4

few days before..

jay :)

jay i am so bored..


go sleep then


in the afternoon??

it's 12.37pm


oh.. then hm..


wanna go on a trip together?


all of a sudden?


well my sister.. has always

been clinging onto jihoon

i feel so bored everyday..


oh.. okay, where do you want to go?


somewhere away from here


hm.. wanna go to jeju island?


really? but.. we don't have to

money TT


i can pay for the tickets

and all those stuff.


what!? i am not going to let

you do that, do you know

how expensive train

tickets are this days??

are you that rich?


yeah.. my father is a CEO of

a company.. if you don't know



jungwon stared at the screen for a while, he didn't know his father was a ceo..

jay :)

sorry should have told you earlier..


wait no don't be sorry

i am rather shocked than angry

plus why should i be angry haha..


hehe.. okay i will go book the tickets

now i will text you when i am done :)


huh really!?






jay went to book the most expensive ticket as he believes that it is the most comfortable one. he wanted both of them to have a memorable trip there as there is also something special he wanted to say there that he has been secretly keeping since the day they met.

"let me call jungwon and tell him about the tickets.." jay said to himself.


"beep beep." jungwons phone rang while he was washing his hands after going to the toilet. "oh! its jay!" he immediately answered the call excitedly, "jay! hii!" jungwon waved at the screen. jay waved back from the other side.

"i brought the tickets, it says we will go tomorrow so make sure to pack your bag." jay said while looking back at his computer screen so he can check where to go in jeju island. jungwon finds it shocking how they are going the next day without plans, but jay on the other hand has already a full list of it.

"oo, how much does the tickets cost? i can pay you back with a meal in jeju." jungwon asked. "no need plus the tickets are quite cheap since its a weekday." jay lied. he doesn't want jungwon to feel bad about the prices.

"make sure to pack some thick clothings it says that the weather there is quite cold, if you don't have you can lend mine." jay continued scrolling his mouse checking out.

"okay! how long will we be staying there?" jungwon asked while grabbing his big bag out."

"is 3 days and 2 nights fine with you?"

"yup of course, i can pay for the meals-"

jay then cut off jungwon, "as i said before i am a ceo's son so i don't mind paying for the stuff, i'm fine by it as long as you don't have the intention of using me for money." jungwon pouted hearing his words. "can i atleast use my own money when i buy my own souvenirs?"

"of course, but for the rest you can leave it up to me." jay said.

a/n: pretty sure yall got the hint...

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