page 33, drunk and dazed

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"okay let's play rock paper scissors to see who washes the dishes." minjun looked at the 3 of them. "oh my god.. i can't do this." sunoo whined. "rock paper sc-" minjun was suddenly cut off. "hold on hold on! i need to decide what i am gonna pick!" sunghoon whined as well. minjun just rolled her eyes, "rock paper scissors shoot!" all 4 of them had their hands out with different hand gestures. jihoon had rock, minjun, sunghoon and sunoo had scissors. "YES!" jihoon punched the air. "that's not far! you did the least cooking!" sunoo grabbed onto his hair. "what do you mean! it is fair! minjun said the loser has to wash the dishes!" jihoon excused himself to the side to watch the match.

"rock.. paper.. scissors.. shoot!" there it was. two rock and one paper. "AAAAACK!" sunoo pulled a dolphin scream. turns out sunoo had paper, the rest of them went into a group hug teasingly while sunoo was in another world thinking about the pile of dishes he has to clean. "okay sunoo have fun!" jihoon waved off while sunoo gave him a sharp glare.

sunoo rest his palms on the sink sighing while comforting himself, "it's okay.. i will just drown them in soju." sunoo starts washing the pile of dishes

"finally! done!" sunoo sprayed the rest of the water on his hands to the sink. "now let me grab some soju and snacks.." sunoo opened the fridge to find the secret ingredient for the hottest tea. "there you are!" sunoo spotted it. he grab out 4 shot glasses and placed them in the living room table where the 'crowd' is at. "waaa! our main character is here! the soju!" jihoon hugged the bottle like it was a teddy bear. "i can sense that he is going to be super drunk tonight." minjun looked at him white still holding onto her phone. "okay guys lets take a seat on the floor!" sunoo gestured them.

"shall we play truth or dare?" sunoo looked at them with a evil grin. "okay but there must be some rules." sunghoon opens up the soju bottle with a spoon which speaking. "okay.. no questions that makes relationships and friendships break." minjun strictly said. "no ridiculous dares." jihoon threw a snack inside his mouth. "ay... that basically ruins the fun." sunghoon dragged the last word. "still.. keep that in mind, not too ridiculous alright?" jihoon jokingly rolled his eyes.

round one starts, the spoon slowly slows down as it spins, the 4 of them agreed to using this spoon to decide which of them should be asking the question. "ah! it landed on me!" minjun clasped her hands. "hmm who should i ask." minjun looked at the 3 guys avoiding eye contact with her. "sunoo, truth or dare?"

"uh.. truth?" sunoo went for the safer option. "do you like anyone?" minjun squinted her eyes. "ey.. not.. yet?" sunoo grabbed a bag of snack to accompany his itchy mouth. minjun rolled her eyes, "yes or no?" everyone in the room had their eyes on sunoo anticipating for his response. sunoo sighed and simply blurted out a yes.

the room went from absolute silence to thousands of questions being directed to sunoo. "oh my god! who?" minjun lightly shook sunoos shoulder. "hey! this is unfair! only one question at a time!" sunoo whined. they all sigh in defeat and spinned the spoon.

as rounds of secrets spilled and soju poured in their mouth to drive them drunk and insane to daze, jihoon was the first one to get knocked out. "jihoon.. is dead!" minjun shook jihoons body violently, the alcohol causing minjun to forget that sleeping is in her vocabulary. sunoo and sunghoon looked at each other laughing at how hideous minjun look, seems like it will be the two of them left to play while minjun is in another paradise.

as sunoo and sunghoon decided to ditch the game and talk about something else, a body suddenly rose up from the dead, the both who were chit chatting whipped their head to find a minjun suddenly pointing at them. her mouth started moving saying all those secrets that were supposed to be kept locked in a box.

"uh oh." sunghoon was so ready to dig a hole and hide.

a/n: tea = spilled next update..

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