page 31, relief

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the three of them settled down on a fallen log, sunoo then broke the awkward silence, "so do you guys have any idea of what to do for tonight?" "what about we drink the soju you bought? it would be a waste if we didn't drink a few shots." sunghoon gave an idea. "you bought soju?" jihoon eyes widened. sunoo nodded, "honestly i bought it because i thought it would be fun." in reality, sunoo actually just wanted to make them drunk so that he could take videos of them and use it as a blackmail if they do something stupid towards him.

"oh! then we should top it off with some barbeque tonight as well! wahh! tonight is going to be amazing. thinking about it already makes me excited for night to fall." jihoon leaned back a bit placing his palms on the space behind. "okay! then dinner is settled. we should probably head back now, minjun might almost be done. the three of them rise from their seats, sounds of branches snapping every minute as they step closer to the cabin.

"wah!! the ramyeon already smells so good from here!" sunoo headed towards the kitchen after a quick wash up. minjun glanced over and gave him a smile. sunoo grabbed a seat at the dinning table and whipped out his phone to start writing his captions on his post he is going to publish. "and.. post!" sunoo does a double check on the post incase sunghoon is accidentally captured inside. he sighed a relief after seeing that no sign of sunghoon is inside. he then placed down his phone. all of them were now gathered and they started munching on their lunch.

"did you thought about what we should have for dinner?" minjun leaned back on the bed with jihoon. "oh! we thought that maybe we could have some barbeque and soju!" jihoon eyes lit up talking about it. "hmm.. we could do that.. but you guys have to help out okay? it's tough doing it alone.." minjun shuts her eyes for a second. "yes wife." jihoon snuggled onto minjuns arm unaware of what he accidentally called her. minjun eyes became wide opened, "wife? all of a sudden?" jihoon looked up immediately noticing what he finally has said. "w-well we are going to get married in the future so theres nothing wrong with doing it calling you wife earlier." jihoon fidgets with minjuns finger. minjun face slowly reddens up when things starts to process.

"sunoo, i am curious, how do you have so much free time?" sunoo looked away from his phone and faced towards sunghoon bed. "i actually am still at university with jihoon, it's just break now so i have a lot of free time!" sunghoon mouthed a 'o' shape. "then do you live with your parents?" sunoo slightly flinched thinning about his parents. "uh.. no i live in a university dorm.." sunghoon then finally turned his head towards sunoo. "then how do you pay? do you work?" sunghoon tilted his head with a lot of questions not answered. "your asking a lot of questions haha.." sunoo came to realisation. "sorry.. i get curious about people sometimes." sunghoon scratched his head looking down. "no worries, my parents do give money every month.. but i just don't talk to them as much." sunoo looked a little disappointed. "why?" sunoo sighed.

the truth is..

when i was younger, my parents are always busy with business trips and work. they do not have time to spare a glance nor care about me. all they have in mind is to work work work. all i am is just a child nothing special. they only use money as an act to make me stay. they only need me when we have to go to somewhere public like a event or party. that's all.. that's why i decided that living in a university dorm would be better than a big empty house.

plus i actually wanted to try out a lot of things such as baking. but the servant always makes sure i don't do anything cause apparently i am treated like a royalty. cause if not they would get punishments. my parents finally gave in and let me live in a university dorm when i said that i needed to be independent and not rely on the servants help. it took me exactly 10 days to finally get them convinced and i am glad i didn't give up honestly cause living alone is so relaxing.

sunoo sighed. "sorry i said a whole long essay of my life, i really wanted to get it out of my mind.." sunoo looked down and fidgetted with his fingers. sunghoon nodded feeling a little sympathetic, "i hope you are better now.. let's move on to a brighter topic shall we?" sunoo nodded slightly feeling a little better.

a/n: disclaimer, you will finally start seeing consistent number counts of words..

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