page 34, crap

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minjun points at the both who were previously giggling when chit chatting happily, but then.. you never know that a secret kept between would spilled and cause some awkward crisis to burst.

"sunghoon.. do you know you were so stupid putting those letters in his locker.." minjun eyes looked half asleep. "like you should have just confessed to him earlier in the past!" minjun whined. sunoo looked at sunghoon who was frowning at that point. feeling curious he tapped sunghoon, sunghoon looked like he snapped back to reality when he faced sunoo.

"what is she talking about?" sunoo furrowed his brows. "hah.. nothing, she is probably just thinking about that book she read recently again haha.." sunghoon immediately avoided eye contact. "you should have just confessed to su-!" and there it is. the puddle of puke that she had always wanted to vomit out since the start.

sunghoon sighs in relief hoping that sunoo didnt really catch the last word of what she said. "let's.. clean this up, she definitely needs some rest, maybe we shouldn't have allowed her to drink too much." sunghoon got up and went to grab a wet towel.

meanwhile sunoo is there thinking about what minjun said, maybe a little too long cause the unpleasant smell started to travel up his nose.

"finally this stinky mess is now cleaned.." sunoo wiped his bead of sweat on his forehead. "lets just throw a blanket on them i'm too tired to carry them up." sunghoon excused himself before sunoo could give a response.

walking to grab a blanket and going back felt too quick, within seconds he is back beside the person who had always made his heart pumped in a different way since young.

sunoo didn't understand what minjun meant and still felt a little confused. letters in the locker? in the past? school lockers? or the ice skating locker areas? confess? sau? su? he didn't quite catch on the last word that got cut off. sunoo hears some rustling in the bed right beside him.

carefully turning around, he sees a back facing him. but suddenly the body rolled again. sunoo didn't know why he felt the need to close his eyes to pretend he was sleeping. "you aren't asleep are you." a deep voice was heard.

"yeah, can't sleep considering i witness someone vomitting infront of me hah." sunoo blurted out a lie. "wanna go out and enjoy the breeze? it seems windy tonight." sunghoon placed his hands under his head.

"sure, i would love to.."

both of them sat on the log outside the cabin sharing a warm and thick blanket that perfectly covers the both of them. awkward silence filled the surroundings, sunoo decided to scoot closer so the blanket can cover him up more even though it's enough.

"the moon is beautiful isn't it?" sunghoon looked at the full moon lighting up the sky surroundings. sunoo smiled, "yes, it really is tonight." sunghoon looked back at sunoo, seeing his perfect feature under the glow, sunghoon turned his head to the campfire that had been put out.

he felt that his heart is going to burst at that point, feeling a little uncomfortable with the atmosphere, he quickly stood up from his seat, "lets.. go inside and take a rest now.."

"do you wanna share the bed for tonight?" sunoo looked at him, his eyes looked mesmerizing that sunoo caught him staring for too long, feeling a bit embarrassed sunghoon cleared his throat and replied.

surprisingly he agreed to share the bed for the night as they feel like they can get 'closer' this way. both of them got comfortable under the blanket and slept peacefully.

today was quite a haywire, but thank god it may have been the key to making the flower finally grow from its pot, causing a story to finally reach its top.

the room was slowly getting brighter as the sun rose each moment. sunghoon was the first to wake up as he slowly adjusts to the lighting, he looked around squinting his eyes while not moving his lower body a inch, he then saw sunoo sleeping soundly while hugging him like a pillow.

sunghoon decided to lay down on the bed before waking up to two having a hungover and demanding for help, he also doesn't really want to disturb the person sleeping right now. as sunghoon wandered his eyes around he felt a little bored, he then heard soft snores coming from the person still hugging sunghoon.

sunghoon landed his eyes on sunoos features, apparently he was too focus and didn't noticed that sunoo was wide awake. finally looking up to his eyes, sunghoon received a jumpscare and literally rolled off the bed.

"oh my god, sunghoon are you okay?" sunoo quickly crawled and look over the bed to witness the crime scene.

"i'm fine.." sunghoon rubbed his back of the head feeling embarrassed.

today is going to be a long day..

a/n: i am tired woooooo

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