page 5, the new love birds

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"YOU GOT A GIRLFRIEND!?" sunoo yelled at jihoon in call as this is the third time of the month he found a girlfriend. "what happened to the previous one? i thought you weren't single!? don't tell me because you are 'not good enough for her'."

"no no i swear we broke up recently because she had to study aboard and her parents found out about us and they don't support." sunoo heard and sighed "by the way can you maybe.. come with me to my date? because she is also bringing a friend so it's weird you know.. please??" jihoon begged.

"but my beauty sleep is important." sunoo said coldly. jihoon begged multiple times again until sunoo got sick and tired and decided to agree to it since not getting enough beauty sleep once wouldn't hurt right?


"YANG JUNGWON!" minjun screamed across as she found out her perfume has been stolen by her one and only brother. jungwon jumped at her voice knowing he is dead dead. stomps were heard, minjun dashed and opened the door as if there was no tomorrow. "why did you take my perfume!?"

"okay okay look here, we are siblings sharing is caring ain-" just then he got smacked by a pillow. "sharing is caring, sharing is caring, do you know how much i had to save up with my salaries to get this perfume!?" jungwon knew he had no other way out as minjun really worked hard for it.

"you know what just do something for me" jungwon looked up and gave a 'what' look. "follow me cause i have a date this week."

"huh, but-" jungwon was then cutted off by his sister saying "no buts.. you already used 1/4 of my perfume and you owe me a lot." jungwon sighed and nodded while giving back her perfume..

side character unlocked: jungwon

a/n: short chapter as triple updates today yipee!! make sure to stay hydrated yurh

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